首页 » Visual C++ » Tornado_IDE_VxSim


于 2014-01-12 发布 文件大小:1061KB
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  嵌入式编程环境tornado及其仿真工具VxSim.在vxworks操作系统上进行宿主机和目标机间的调试(Environmental tornado embedded programming and simulation tools VxSim. Debugging between host and target machines in the vxworks operating system)



0 个回复

  • matlab-soc
    用于VC与matlab之间的通信,对初学者有好处(Used for communication between VC and matlab, good for beginners)
    2011-09-09 11:03:35下载
  • shangchuanchengxu3
    用指向指针的指针的方法对5个字符串排序并输出。(With a pointer to a pointer to a string sort method 5 and the output.)
    2011-10-20 13:33:32下载
  • AD9851
    msp430 ad9851 按键控制输出不同频率的正弦波已经调试成功(msp430 ad9851 keys to control the output frequency of the sine wave has been successful commissioning)
    2021-04-12 16:38:57下载
  • fft
    这是一个关于数字信号处理中的快速傅里叶算法的实现(This is a digital signal processing algorithms to achieve fast Fourier)
    2011-11-21 19:48:17下载
  • w_ipp-sample-cPP_p_5.1.006
    ipp-sample-c++,错误快速检测代码,可以迅速定位程序错误,另外杜绝缓冲区溢出,提供X86 CPU的函数库(ipp-sample-c++, fast error detection code, you can quickly locate bugs, the other to prevent buffer overflow, the library provides X86 CPU)
    2011-10-07 20:01:16下载
  • buhuo1
    说明:  使用vc实现视频捕获功能,调用系统函数实现(Vc achieved using video capture function, call the system function to achieve)
    2010-03-25 19:21:23下载
  • Normal_estimation
    基于PCL的估算散乱点云的法矢量,并进行颜色渲染显示(estimation of normal vectors for point clouds and color rendering display based on PCL)
    2018-03-16 21:10:32下载
  • WinDirectAudio_src_20081203
    音频 频谱实现代码 主要是通过傅立叶变化(Audio Equalizer With And Without DirectSound(ParamEq DMO))
    2021-04-22 18:08:48下载
  • Applied-Markov-Decision-Processes
    本书从简单的例子开始 ,介绍了马尔可夫决策过程的基本概念、决策过程以及一些常用 的基本理论 .还介绍了多种最优准则 , 包括有限阶段准则、折扣准则、平均准则、权重报酬准 则、概率准则等 .从模型角度考虑了有限状态空间、可数状态空间和一般 Borel 状态空间 从 决策时间上来说 , 考虑了离散时间、连续时间和半马氏决策时刻问题 .本文还介绍了大量的应 用实例以及建模方法 .本书可作为高年级大学生和研究生教材 , 也可作为运筹学、管理科学、 信息科学、系统科学以及计算机科学和工程领域的学者和技术人员的参考书 . (From the simple example of this book introduces the basic concepts of Markov decision processes, and decision-making process as well as some common basic theory also describes the various optimal criteria, including criteria for limited stage, discounted, average criteria weights remuneration The guidelines, such as the probability criterion from the point of view of the finite state model space countable state space and general Borel state space from the decision-making time, consider a discrete-time, continuous-time and half-time Markov decision problem this article describes. a large number of application examples and modeling methods. book can serve as senior undergraduate and graduate teaching, but also as research, reference management science, information science, system science, and academics and technical staff in computer science and engineering fields.)
    2014-08-15 15:45:07下载
  • SerialPort-DLL
    把SerialPort通讯类封装成的DLL+使用例子(SerialPort Dll and demo)
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