首页 » Visual Basic » Hough-transform


于 2013-12-09 发布 文件大小:753KB
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  基于规格化Hough变换的天波超视距雷达检测前跟踪算法(Hough transform based on the normalized horizon radar detection and tracking algorithms)


Hough transform.pdf,843546,2013-12-09



0 个回复

  • ObImPr
    实现图像中细胞的提取,并计算出细胞与核仁面积之比的可视化程序(Extraction of cells in the image, and calculate the cells with nucleolar area ratio of the visualization program)
    2012-05-20 10:06:32下载
  • graphic
    里面涉及了线宽线型的设置,各种图形,还有画笔画刷设置选择,颜色设置等,代码非常齐全,还有编程的每一步都有截图和说明(Which involves the linewidth linear settings, a variety of graphics, and brush brush settings selection, color settings, the code is very complete, and programming of every step have screenshots and description)
    2014-12-14 20:30:20下载
  • BMP_pix_read_write
    实现BMP文件的基本功能。用C++实现一个Class,该Class具有读写BMP文件功能;该Class还具有对图像像素进行操作的功能(针对每个像素的读、写) (BMP files to achieve the basic functions. Using C++ implementation of a Class, the Class has read and write BMP file functions the Class also features the image pixel operation function (for each pixel of the read, write))
    2010-06-03 15:50:25下载
  • CPPvideoimageprocessing
    利用Visual C++实现AVI文件的图像截取 实现对图像数据的读取显示 实现视频图像处理技术 编程中如何操作数据库中的图像字段 实现数字图像增强处理(Use Visual C++ AVI file image interception To read the image data display Video image processing technology Programming how to operate the database image field Digital image enhancement)
    2014-04-21 11:17:34下载
  • yj
    说明:  :针对显微图像分析、识别需要的全自动控制显微镜,研究开发其相应的图像处理算法。提 出了能量谱自动聚焦评价函数算法、自适应选取基准图的图像拼接算法、改进 Laplacian算子的多层 聚焦图像叠合算法等。该算法模块已成功地应用于所开发的CMIAS 显微医学图像分析系统中,取得 了满意的应用效果。(【ABSTRACT】For the automatic microscope required by micro-image analysis and recognition, the relevant image processing a lgorithms are investigated. Three algorithms are described: energy-spectrum image auto focusing evaluation function, image merging based on the adaptive selection of standard image and sum-modified-Laplacian (SML) operator for multi-focus image fusion. The algorithms have been applied successfully to CMIAS medical micro-optical image analysis system and testified to be feasible and effective. )
    2009-11-05 10:02:07下载
  • lab2
    This program draws an image from a bmp file
    2014-05-26 21:59:34下载
  • FacesAlign-2.3
    运用于人脸图像预处理中,主要实现功能有:人脸检测,人脸对齐,人脸图像放缩,人脸剪切。(Applied to the face image preprocessing, the main features are: face detection, face alignment, face image zoom, face cuts.)
    2013-10-23 21:26:50下载
  • PC20121224
    先进行图像的预处理,采用中值滤波,梯度增强。基于边缘帧差法实现前景检测(first image preproceing,the median filtering,grdient enhancement。based on edge detection method of frame to realiase prospect)
    2012-12-25 17:28:48下载
  • ImageZoom
    利用VTK实现图像的放大缩小,基于对话框编写的,有助于学习VTK的朋友(Using VTK to achieve the image to zoom in, based on the dialog box, prepared to help a friend learn VTK)
    2009-11-24 16:22:21下载
  • shuiguojiance_vcPP
    基于图像处理,vc++平台的水果识别。通过亮度调整,梯度处理,边缘图像,边界跟踪,计算颜色形状等,计算出结果。(Based on image processing, fruit recognition vc++ platform. Through the brightness adjustment, gradient, edge image, boundary tracking, calculation of color shape, the calculated results. )
    2014-11-12 10:24:13下载
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