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于 2013-12-12 发布 文件大小:1222KB
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  合成功能按钮。里面包含CD播放器,记事本,画图功能等等。(function button)



0 个回复

  • sourceCode2
    Visual C++ 音频视频处理技术及工程实践,陆锦正 周冬梅编著随书光盘,包括以Visual c++ 2005为开发平台的多个工程实例及源码 (Visual C++ audio and video processing technology and engineering practice, LU Jin ZHOU Dong-mei is compiled CDs with books, including Visual c++ 2005 as a development platform for various projects in the examples and source code)
    2009-09-20 14:09:47下载
  • VLCDemo
    MFC调用VLC的动态库libvlc.dll实现简单播放器,支持播放、暂停、停止、进度显示和进度控制、声音控制、支持中文路径的文件名字。VC6.0环境,可直接运行。(MFC calls VLC dynamic library libvlc.dll simple player, play, pause, stop, schedule display and schedule control, sound control, support Chinese path of the file name. VC6.0 environment, can be directly run.)
    2013-07-15 09:41:10下载
  • TTSApp
    微软提供的语音编程示例程序,实现了文本朗读,口型匹配(Microsoft provides programming examples of the voice process, the realization of the text read, I type matching)
    2009-07-17 13:50:32下载
  • FMP_Demo1029_new
    EM8471神龙卡源代码,支持MPEG4,AVI等硬件格式播放.(EM8471 SHENLONG card source code, support for MPEG4, AVI format players and other hardware.)
    2008-07-07 21:12:48下载
  • VCnle
    说明:  一个五脏俱全的 CPU+GPU软非编 工程,两路视频混合,实现了几个特技,能够输出AVI。起个抛砖引玉的作用,有意者请继续完善,然后将作品发表出来共享,实现共同进步。注意两路视频中,不要两路都是DVD文件,最好两路视频都是MP4,或是都未加压的AVI。 (converted a soft CPU-GPU series, two video mixing, achieving several stunts output to AVI. Take a stimulus by interested are invited to continue to improve, and then released in sharing works, and achieving common progress. Note 2 video, the two roads are not DVD, the best two-way video MP4 are, or did not pressurized AVI.)
    2006-03-09 10:15:47下载
  • 99multimedia
    学习多媒体的很好的学习资料,中科院研究生院使用。(Good study of multi-media learning materials, the use of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences.)
    2009-04-19 18:09:59下载
  • MerryMeeting
    MerryMeeting是一个事件经营和提升公司,该公司为它自己可以迎合小公司和中等公司的维护的需要和能够促进一大批辅助课程的行为而感到骄傲。 为了提高当前商业环境和以高效的方式来迎合客户的需要,MerryMeeting的管理者已经决定让事件和出席者的登记过程自动化。 (MerryMeeting is an event management and upgrade the company, the company can meet its own small companies and medium-sized company)
    2008-05-24 22:30:02下载
  • mediaplayer
    说明:  多媒体播放器是一个多媒体应用,能够播放声音、视频剪辑和图形图像。 该应用程序还可以录制和播放高通PureVoice音频剪辑。 该播放器包括标准的MediaPlayer控制,如播放,快进,快退,停止,暂停和录制。 多媒体播放器支持各种各样的音频,视频和图形格式, 包括MPEG-3,MIDI,BREW的压缩图像(BCI),位图(BMP)和分组模式数据(PMD)。 (MediaPlayer is a multimedia application capable of playing sound and video clips, and displaying still graphic images. The application can also record and play back QUALCOMM PureVoice (QCP® ) audio clips if you have the appropriate CMX® DLLs loaded. Up to 32 multimedia files can be stored for use with this application. MediaPlayer includes standard controls, such as play, fast forward, rewind, stop, pause, and record. MediaPlayer supports a wide variety of audio, video, and still graphic formats including QCP, MPEG Audio Layer 3 (MP3), Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), BREW Compressed Image (BCI), Bitmap (BMP), and Packet Mode Data (PMD), which contains both audio and video.)
    2010-04-28 17:19:22下载
  • testmediaanaJpeg_xvid
    从一个mpeg4视频文件中,抓取给定起始结束时间段内的图像,保存为jpeg格式,使用directshow实现(From a mpeg4 video file, the crawl a given time period starting the end of the image, save it as a jpeg format, the use of DirectShow realize)
    2008-08-12 11:51:21下载
  • MusicPlayer
    说明:  一个非常漂亮的音乐播放器的源码,比千千静听漂亮。(A very nice music player source, than listening Pros beautiful.)
    2010-04-22 09:35:26下载
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