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  matlab 读入某一图像,对图像灰度化的图形进行不同阶数的量化比较,计算psnr(matlab read a certain image, gray graphics quantitative comparison of the different orders, calculate psnr)



0 个回复

  • 74edcc7b4752
    ofdm fast fft algorithm pdf file
    2011-05-09 04:57:10下载
  • pso_2Dimension
    说明:  该程序是采用MATLAB编写的一个二维优化算法,对于初学者很有用!(that the procedure was prepared by using MATLAB a two-dimensional optimization algorithm, very useful for beginners!)
    2006-03-16 22:41:21下载
  • OFDM_Static_Freq_Selective_Channel
    BER performance of OFDM_Static_Freq_Selective_Channel
    2014-12-22 21:57:26下载
  • toolbox_graph
    This toolbox contains a lot of function to deal with spectral theory of triangulation. You can load triangulations from files and then display the resulting mesh. It allows to compute various laplacian operator, and the to compute parameterization using spectral decomposition, harmonic mapping, free boundary harmonic mapping, and isomap.
    2020-06-21 10:00:02下载
  • xcorril
    说明:  求取互相关值,可以实现两个序列互相关运算、时延估计等功能。(By calculating the cross-correlation value, the functions of cross-correlation operation and time delay estimation of two sequences can be realized.)
    2020-07-04 04:20:01下载
  • fx_decon
    This code is in geophysics field.
    2009-11-08 19:58:25下载
  • pulse
    船舶电力推进 直接转矩控制 脉冲生成 仿真模型(ship dtc)
    2012-04-07 16:48:12下载
  • All-Eeprom-Dump-for-receiver
    master code receiver
    2012-10-16 06:25:02下载
  • BP
    说明:  通过分析交通流量时间序列的特点,引入BP神经网络进行短时交通流预测。首先,分析了短时交通流量预测的意义及研究背景;然后,介绍了BP神经网络的结构模型、学习规则以及BP算法的改进算法;最后,通过BP神经网络对短时交通流进行预测,并分析了在各种不同条件下的预测情况。(through the analysis of the characteristics of traffic flow time series, introduces BP neural network for short-term traffic flow prediction. First of all, it analyzes the significance of short-term traffic flow prediction and research background. And then, it has discussed the model and structure, the study rule and the improved algorithm of BP neural network. Finally, by BP neural network to forecast the short-term traffic flow, it analyzes under different conditions of the neural network prediction.)
    2015-07-09 15:31:46下载
  • xarly
    This function allows to know if you are losing time when you move to a place by one of the transport mediums given as input. The inputs are: salary earned, time to go, price to go, and the ouput is a sorted list with the best option
    2011-12-20 00:58:56下载
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