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于 2012-11-21 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  基于非凸算法的群稀疏优化的各种段代码,绝对经典!!!(Non Convex Algorithms for Group Sparse Optimization)



0 个回复

  • finite-difference-temperature
    有限差分法定温度分析程序:这个程序用有限差分法分析,当一个从一边受热的方型物体放置空气中,之后,其温度分布情况。(temperature analysis using finite difference method)
    2009-03-31 17:44:30下载
  • rbf_bcm2
    RBF code using matlab
    2009-11-25 14:06:21下载
  • OpenCVMatlab
    说明:  OpenCV库的Matlab函数封装调用 cvlib_mex封装了OpenCV库大约30个函数,OpenCV是当前流行的实时计算机视觉库,拥有很多的图像处理的算法。(cvlib_mex is a collection (over two dozens) of matlab callable routines from the OpenCV library www.intel.com/research/mrl/research/opencv/). OpenCV is a real time computer vision library with many image processing capabilities and it is amazingly fast as well as economic.)
    2009-09-03 11:29:38下载
  • lunwen
    本文简要介绍了语音信号采集与分析的发展史以及语音信号的特征、采集与分析方法,并通过PC机录制自己的一段声音,运用Matlab进行仿真分析,最后加入噪声进行滤波处理,比较滤波前后的变化。(This paper introduces the voice signal acquisition and analysis of the history and characteristics of speech signals, sampling and analysis methods, and through a PC, record your own voice, use of Matlab simulation and analysis, and finally adding noise filtering, comparing before and after filtering change.)
    2010-05-09 12:29:50下载
  • matlab
    基于牛顿拉夫逊法的电力系统潮流计算程序,采用MATlab编程(Method based on Newton Raphson power flow calculation program, using MATlab Programming)
    2011-05-21 12:39:28下载
  • ART
    ART重建算法,该算法可用于CT图像重建或EST图像重建-Matlab ART reconstruction algorithm, which can be used for CT image reconstruction or image reconstruction EST(matlab reconstruction algorithm, which can be used for CT image reconstruction or image reconstruction EST)
    2011-09-22 10:07:26下载
  • jf213
    本程序的性能已经达到较高水平,利用贝叶斯原理估计混合logit模型的参数,计算互信息非常有用的一组程序。( The performance of the program has reached a high level, Bayesian parameter estimation principle mixed logit model, Mutual information is useful to calculate a set of procedures.)
    2017-03-26 22:50:58下载
  • dianyuan
    点声源在自由场中的辐射计算,对于声全息的初学者有很大帮助(Radiation point sound source in free field)
    2021-02-17 16:59:46下载
  • WELL
    它试图解决的问题,薄弱的标签是一个多学习一种新标签的问题,其中只有部分标签集与每个提供相关培训的例子(This package includes the MATLAB code of the multi-label learning algorithm WELL. It tries to deal with weak label problem which is a new kind of multi-label learning problem, where only a partial label set associated with each training example is provided. A Readme file and an example file are included in the package)
    2010-12-18 20:47:29下载
  • matlabExperiment
    matlab实验指导书 包括 概述 编程 矩阵及其运算等(Matlab experimental guide book includes an overview of programming matrix and its operation)
    2013-04-28 17:17:54下载
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