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于 2020-06-29 发布 文件大小:1183KB
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  一个简单的视频导播软件,附件中包括源代码(this is a simple vido software, include code.)






0 个回复

    Fast Prediction Compensated Multiple Description Coding for JPEG 2000 The prediction compensated multiple description coding described in the following papers is implemented by modifying the OpenJPEG version of the JPEG 2000 standard: J. Wang, and J. Liang, "Filter banks for prediction-compensated multiple description coding,?submitted to IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Sept. 2007. Revised: Aug. 2008. PDF J. Wang, and J. Liang, "Filter Banks for Prediction-Compensated Multiple Description Coding," accepted, 2008 Data Compression Conference, Snowbird, Utah, Mar. 2008. PDF http://www.ensc.sfu.ca/~jiel/
    2009-06-17 21:01:05下载
  • bofangqi
    vb编的播放器,充分运用了多种控件,功能强大!(vb series player,full use of a variety of controls,powerful!)
    2011-11-28 12:35:15下载
  • YUVviewer_src
    能实现视频帧格式的选择,前一帧的播放,整个视频的文件播放(Can realize the video frame format of choice, before playing a frame, the video file playback )
    2015-04-28 16:45:57下载
  • g
    说明:  高速CCD视频摄像机的设计与研究探讨-郭旭平(High-speed CCD video camera design study- Guo Xuping)
    2013-03-19 11:05:51下载
  • weisay_mono
    从立体声的wave文件中分别提出左声道和右声道的声音数据(Asked the left and right channels of sound data from the stereo the wave file)
    2013-03-19 11:16:57下载
  • testmediaanaJpeg_xvid
    从一个mpeg4视频文件中,抓取给定起始结束时间段内的图像,保存为jpeg格式,使用directshow实现(From a mpeg4 video file, the crawl a given time period starting the end of the image, save it as a jpeg format, the use of DirectShow realize)
    2008-08-12 11:51:21下载
  • wangluoluyinji
    vc++写的网络录音机程序,录音是参照vckbase的录音api代码,结合了一小段socket(TCP)就可以用来单方说话录音了,程序分两部分一部分是(录音机+网络发送代码),一部分是(接收数据+播放波形音乐代码),由于程序只是为了自己用,很多地方没有注意错误的识别,结构也比较乱,本程序当初最头疼的就是控制损耗内存,结果用了双缓存来存储波形数据来交替的存储/清除.(vc++ program to write the network recorder, audio recording reference vckbase api code, combined with a short socket (TCP) can be Speak to unilateral recordings, and part of the program in two parts (recorder+ network to send the code), part (Receive Data+ play wave Music code form), because the program only for their own use, many places do not pay attention to the wrong identification, the structure is chaotic, the program had The most troublesome is the loss of memory control, the results with the double buffer to store the waveform data to alternate storage/removal.)
    2011-12-03 11:05:36下载
  • cfg_general_8202R_D_64
    cfg video rec and mp4 3gp file play
    2013-03-27 21:15:26下载
  • VCnle
    说明:  一个五脏俱全的 CPU+GPU软非编 工程,两路视频混合,实现了几个特技,能够输出AVI。起个抛砖引玉的作用,有意者请继续完善,然后将作品发表出来共享,实现共同进步。注意两路视频中,不要两路都是DVD文件,最好两路视频都是MP4,或是都未加压的AVI。 (converted a soft CPU-GPU series, two video mixing, achieving several stunts output to AVI. Take a stimulus by interested are invited to continue to improve, and then released in sharing works, and achieving common progress. Note 2 video, the two roads are not DVD, the best two-way video MP4 are, or did not pressurized AVI.)
    2006-03-09 10:15:47下载
  • Neusoft_Media_Player
    华中科技大学东软实训作品 media player 源码 MFC实现(Huazhong University of Neusoft training MFC source media player works to achieve)
    2011-01-05 19:15:21下载
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