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于 2013-12-16 发布 文件大小:1620KB
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  k-means均值算法matlab语言写的,很实用的源码(k-means means algorithm matlab language, very useful source)



0 个回复

  • chintan1
    Model of SSSC which is used to compensate for the reactive power in transmission line.Model of SSSC which is used to compensate for the reactive power in transmission line.Model of SSSC which is used to compensate for the reactive power in transmission line.Model of SSSC which is used to compensate for the reactive power in transmission line.Model of SSSC which is used to compensate for the reactive power in transmission line.Model of SSSC which is used to compensate for the reactive power in transmission line.Model of SSSC which is used to compensate for the reactive power in transmission line.Model of SSSC which is used to compensate for the reactive power in transmission line.Model of SSSC which is used to compensate for the reactive power in transmission line.
    2011-05-04 13:12:02下载
  • xiangqian
    实现微分方程向前查分 (教材为微分方程数值解,习题5.2.4)(forward difference)
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  • Analysis-of-t-
    利用matlab模拟光纤光栅传光的特性分析源代码(Analysis of the source code using matlab to simulate the characteristics of the return optical fiber grating)
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  • BlockMatchingAlgoMPEG
    motion compensation agar kisi ko chahiye to mujhe mail karo ... ok ye sirf 1 file hai..
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  • wman1
    说明:  ldpc码在无线城域网中应用,matlab(ldpc yards in the wireless MAN applications, Matlab)
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  • xbtxfg
    小波图象分割!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MATLAB原程序(wavelet image segmentation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! MATLAB original program)
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