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于 2013-05-17 发布 文件大小:42KB
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  ASPDepends列出你的网站和他们的子内容,检查包括文件和COM依赖你的“ASP”web站点或虚拟目录。它还显示方法和变量在所有的文件(ASPDepends your site and the content of their children are listed, check the file and COM rely on your ASP web site or virtual directory. It also shows the methods and variables in all documents)



0 个回复

  • PHP_MySQL_Pub2011
    If you can build websites with CSS and JavaScript, this book takes you to the next level—creating dynamic, database-driven websites with PHP and MySQL. Learn how to build a database, manage your content, and interact with users through queries and web forms. With step-by-step tutorials, real-world examples, and jargon-free explanations, you’ll soon discover the power of server-side programming. The important stuff you need to know: Get a running start. Write PHP scripts and create a web form right away. Learn the language. Get up to speed on PHP and SQL syntax quickly. Build a database. Use MySQL to store user information and other data. Make it dynamic. Create pages that change with each new viewing. Be ready for mistakes. Plan error messages to help direct users. Manage your content. Use the file system to access user data, including images and other binary files. Control operations. Create an administrative interface to oversee your site.
    2012-04-27 17:51:49下载
  • BsPhp验证7.5
    资源描述环境要求 php5.3+Zend+Mysql 请选择BsPhpApp/Bsphp php5.3版本 php5.4+Zend+Mysql 请选择BsPhpApp/Bsphp php5.4版本     后台地址:http://域名/admin/  默认账号密码安全码:admin  前台CMS地址:http://域名/   代理商平台:http://域名/agent/index.php?m=agent  设置用户成为代理商 用户中心地址:http://域名/user/ 安装说明 1.上传BsPhpApp到服务器  注意:选择二进制上传/或者在线解压 2.打开 http://服务器地址/install 3.按步骤安装
    2023-05-28 17:10:04下载
  • 微擎纯净版本
    说明:  这是一款开源的公众号,微信小程序,支付宝小程序,熊掌号,pc建站管理系统,基于目前最流行的WEB2.0的架构(php+mysql),拥有成熟、稳定的的技术解决方案。源码透明、开放,一切的数据及资源都架设在自己的服务上,保证独立性、安全性及可控性。活跃的第三方开发者及开发团队,依托微擎的整个开放的生态系统之上,更丰富的扩展功能。良好的开发框架、文档,轻松扩展、定制私有功能。优质的在线更新系统、客服人员、技术工程师解决使用或是开发上的各种疑难问题。(This is an open source official account, WeChat applet, Alipay applet, bear paw number, PC station management system, based on the most popular WEB2.0 architecture (php+mysql), with mature and stable technical solutions. The source code is transparent and open. All data and resources are set up on their own services to ensure independence, security and controllability. Active third-party developers and development teams, relying on the entire open ecosystem of micro engine, have more abundant expansion functions. Good development framework and documentation, easy to expand and customize private functions. High quality online update system, customer service personnel, technical engineers to solve the use or development of various difficult problems.)
    2020-11-16 13:59:40下载
  • S065Wei-Po-user-mall
    S065威博大型多用户商城6.2版完整版全站生成HTML,价值12800元.(S065 Wibaux large multi-user version of the full version 6.2 store the station to generate HTML, the value of 12,800 yuan.)
    2011-07-19 12:16:34下载
  • We7 CMS放源码与放插件的CMS系统
    We7 CMS 是国内第一款基于asp.net 的同时具备开放源码与开放插件的CMS系统。We7 CMS 是We7网站群系统的组成部分,We7 CMS可以快速升级到网站群
    2022-02-10 12:33:23下载
  • YIXUNCMS v2.0 蓝色简约时尚版
    应用背景 YIXUNCMS v2.0 蓝色简约时尚版 随着互联网发展的不断深化,企业网站无论在前端设计、用户体验、操作管控等方面都有了更高的 需求。时尚版是易迅BS软件工作室在2015年7月向广大站长朋友发布的又一套企业(展示类)建站系统。时尚版在参考了目前众多前端风格设计基础上,秉承 简约、前沿、时尚、大气的设计理念,化繁为简,为企业提供更加专业化的前端设计。 关键技术 系统特点: 1、采用目前流行的PHP语言编写,底层采用超轻量级框架作为系统支撑; 2、页面布局使用DIV+CSS技术,遵循WEB标准,及大提高页面的浏览速度; 3、使用应用广泛的SMARTY模板引擎,页面高速缓存,提高网站运行速度,降低大访问量对服务器造成的压力; 4、采用MVC开发模式,搭配多套不同风格模板,使网站改版更加轻松; 5、PHP5完全的OOP设计思想,支持无限分类; 6、前台交互采用AJAX无刷新技术,交互体验更友好; 7、操作页面友好提示,随时了解自己的操作动态; 8、安装布署及为简单,瞬间搭建好属于您的企业网站;
    2022-03-22 12:37:57下载
  • isortyping
    a code for php programer a simulation academy
    2012-04-29 16:17:38下载
  • asp
    ASP视频观看笔记,内容主要与关于ASP的基础知识相关(ASP video viewing notes, mainly with the basics of ASP-related)
    2011-12-30 13:55:13下载
  • 水厂及相关企业小型ERP系统
    2023-06-12 09:55:04下载
  • 685d
    一款交友软件,很易用,年收益学,3分钟学会。(you can have a new friend easierly,a soft for netfriend.)
    2011-06-05 14:09:13下载
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