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于 2012-01-24 发布 文件大小:4KB
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  计算回转支承的应力分布,使得每个滚珠应力都很清楚(calculation of pressure distribution of slewing bearings)



0 个回复

  • LaubARE_SchurMethod.pdf
    这是一个里卡迪方程的简易对角线解法,有一定的现实意义,可以在matlab的计算里减少很大的计算量。十分好用(This is a simple solution Ricadi diagonal equation, there are certain practical significance, can reduce a large amount of computation in the calculation in matlab. Very easy to use)
    2014-08-08 22:17:09下载
  • Simplex-method
    解优化问题的单纯形法,用矩阵形式推导完成,后附变量解释和大体流程解释。(Simplex method to solve optimization problems, reducted from matrix, following is variable explaination and general process explaination.)
    2011-12-14 21:11:18下载
  • Matlab
    本上传资料为maatlab教程,可通过此教程学习matlab,涉及面广。(The upload information to maatlab tutorials, available through this tutorial to learn matlab, involving a wide range.)
    2013-11-01 14:30:26下载
  • MT2DNLCG-Mackie-nlcg-fast2.tar
    完整的二维非线性共轭梯度反演源代码,作者是Mackie 和Rodi。(Complete two-dimensional nonlinear conjugate gradient inversion source code, the author is Mackie and Rodi.)
    2020-10-07 16:57:36下载
  • matlab
    (7,4)线性分组码matlab程序自己编的一个小程序 希望对大家有用((7,4) linear block code matlab program made themselves hope of a small program useful for all)
    2010-06-11 21:43:36下载
  • Matlabtuxinggongneng
    有关于Matlab图形功能的详细讲解,为PPT版,相信对广大师生会有所帮助。(Have on the Matlab graphics features of detailed briefings for the PPT version, I think it would be helpful to teachers and students.)
    2007-09-26 16:56:02下载
  • UnwellLineEquSet-matlab
    病态线性方程组的计算题,涉及Gauss消元法、雅可比迭代法、高斯-赛德尔迭代法、最速下降法和共轭梯度法。每一个方法,都编写一个m文件,封装成函数的形式。然后通过总的HilbLineEquSet.m文件来调用执行,画出误差曲线图,得到运行结果。总的Matlab程序流程,如下所示: 病态方程组的计算包括:HilbLineEquSet.m、gauss.m、jacobi.m、gauss_seidel.m、fastest_descend.m和conjugated_grad.m六个文件。 程序执行结果包括:求解结果、迭代次数、迭代误差数据、误差曲线图等。 (Morbid Linear Equations calculation problems involving Gauss elimination method, Jacobi' s iterative method, Gauss- Seidel iterative method, steepest descent method and conjugate gradient method. Each method, all the preparation of an m file, packaged in the form of a function. Then the total HilbLineEquSet.m file to invoke the implementation of draw error curve, to be running results. General Matlab program flow, as follows: the calculation of morbid equations include: HilbLineEquSet.m, gauss.m, jacobi.m, gauss_seidel.m, fastest_descend.m and conjugated_grad.m six documents. Procedures for implementation of the findings include: solving a result, the number of iterations, iterative error data, error curve and so on.)
    2009-12-10 19:08:10下载
  • m-m-1
    说明:  通过对业务流的参数来实现mm1排队论的模拟仿真,最终统计出各种时间。(The parameters of the business flow through to achieve mm1 queuing theory simulation, the final statistics of all time.)
    2010-04-23 12:49:45下载
  • matlab
    机械设计的matlab源程序,很经典的啊!谢谢这个论坛!(Mechanical design matlab source code, very classic! Thanks for this forum!)
    2013-01-31 17:23:49下载
  • keywords
    [ convex_optimization.rar ] - 凸优化 程序包,包含各种凸优化算法,可供方便调用. [ signal_decomposition_by_bp.rar ] - 基于基追踪(basis pursuit)对信号进行稀疏表示的算法 [ cvx .zip ] - 凸规划建模系统,有助于学习压缩感知([Convex_optimization.rar]- convex optimization package that contains a variety of convex optimization algorithms for easy call [signal_decomposition_by_bp.rar]-. Based on the base track (basis pursuit) algorithm for signal sparse representation [cvx .zip]- Convex planning modeling system, including user manuals, help learning compressed sensing)
    2014-12-20 22:17:30下载
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