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于 2013-05-21 发布 文件大小:3011KB
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  本章有三个目的:一是讲述 MATLAB正常运行所必须具备的基础条件;二是简明地介 绍MATLAB及其操作桌面Desktop的基本使用方法;三是全面介绍 MATLAB的帮助系统。 本章的前两节讲述:MATLAB的正确安装方法和 MATLAB 环境的启动。因为指令窗 是MATLAB最重要的操作界面,所以本章用第 1.3 、1.4 两节以最简单通俗的叙述、算例 讲述指令窗的基本操作方法和规则。这部分内容几乎对MATLAB各种版本都适用。第1.5 到第1.8 节专门介绍 MATLAB最常用的另五个交互界面:历史指令窗、当前目录浏览器、 工作空间浏览器、数组编辑器、M 文件编辑器。 鉴于实际应用中,帮助信息和求助技能的 重要性。本章专设第1.9节专门叙述MATLAB的帮助体系和求助方法。 作者建议:不管读者此前是否使用过MATLAB,都不要忽略本章。(This chapter has three purposes: one is about MATLAB normal operation must have the basic conditions 2 it is concisely interface Salt MATLAB and its operation is the basic way of using the Desktop Desktop Three is a comprehensive introduction of MATLAB help system. About the first two sections in this chapter: MATLAB installation method and the MATLAB environment right start. Because the instructions window Is the most important interface of MATLAB, so this chapter with 1.3 and 1.3 two accounts in the most simple and popular, example Basic operation methods and rules about command window. This part of almost all versions of MATLAB. 1.5 To section 1.8 on another five interfaces: the most commonly used MATLAB command window, the current directory browser history, The workspace browser, array editor, M file editor. In view of practical applications, the help information and skills for help Importance. Set up in section 1.9 of this chapter specifically address the MATLAB help syst)



0 个回复

  • QPSK
    qpsk的matlab程序,描述了qpsk的仿真和理论的误码率误比特率(qpsk matlab program, qpsk simulation and theoretical description of the error rate, bit error rate)
    2013-04-15 19:39:15下载
    正交频分复用,多输入多输出的信道估计的matlab程序,经过验证可以直接运行(Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing MIMO channel estimation matlab program can be run directly, proven)
    2013-05-04 09:46:31下载
  • bear
    一篇课程论文,介绍滚动轴承的故障诊断,有详细的matlab程序(A course papers, on the rolling bearing fault diagnosis, detailed matlab program)
    2012-11-03 20:44:26下载
  • Animated-behavior
    这个是用EM开发的动画行为,有需要的可以下来看看哦~~~!(This is the behavior of EM animation development, the need to be able to look down Oh ~!)
    2014-12-02 12:57:48下载
  • matpower7.0
    说明:  matpowe7.0,Open source software, no modified version downloaded from the official website,the new MOST can calculate timing OPF,but the DC model may not be accurate
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  • matlab
    matlab 读取数据并显示激光扫描的3D图形(matlab program)
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  • fangzhen
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    deduplication project
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    说明:  美国关于自动测试中信号的描述信息,可以帮助理解自动测试的发展方向,对于基于信号的研究会有很大的帮助(In the United States on the automatic test signal descriptions to help understand the development of automated testing for the study based on the signal will be very helpful)
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  • Rayleigh_Doppler_multiPath
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