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于 2014-02-15 发布 文件大小:3103KB
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  即时通信系统(Java实现源代码),测试可行。(Instant messaging system (Java source code), the test is feasible.)



0 个回复

  • Notify-Icon
    This control add your applications icon in the system tray.It also support baloon type tool tip. It s cool Control.
    2013-09-20 07:04:01下载
  • 潮汐调和分析
    说明:  利用实测潮位数据,进行潮汐调和分析,计算调和常数的振幅和迟角(Based on the measured tidal level data, tidal harmonic analysis is carried out, and the amplitude and lag angle of harmonic constant are calculated)
    2020-11-24 10:47:39下载
  • update-online
    一套完整的在线升级程序,只需修改配置文件即可成为自己的升级程序。(A complete set of online upgrade program, simply modify the configuration file to become their own upgrade process.)
    2013-09-18 09:28:45下载
  • 三叶草ywsc
    说明:  医疗信息管理系统 用vb编写 电子处方、药房管理等 (medical information management system used to prepare vb electronic prescriptions, pharmacy management, etc.)
    2006-02-14 11:19:59下载
  • SkinBuilder
    皮肤制作工具,皮肤制作工具,皮肤制作工具(skin produtedd,skin produteddskin produtedd,skin produtedd,skin produtedd,,)
    2014-02-24 14:54:44下载
  • vbcjdd
    vb的经典插件对于初学者来说很方便的插件可以屏蔽垃圾代码(vb classic plugin for beginners is very convenient plug-shielding can refuse code)
    2007-01-21 23:34:20下载
  • PiaoWUGL
    一个非常简单的售票管理软件,不知道合不合格大用使用,(A very simple ticketing management software, do not know All unqualified Dayong use,)
    2008-08-11 12:03:40下载
  • ourdev_598464
    DMX 512协议是Digital Multiplex的缩写,是灯光行业数字化设备的通用信号控制协议,同时也是是一种国际协议。   USITT DMX512/1990是调光和灯光控制台数据传输标准,是娱乐灯光领域常用的控制协议。以前0-10V模拟控制用的比较多,现在DMX512是娱乐灯光行业最主要的控制协议。USITT DMX512/1990是由美国剧场技术协会USITT提出的。最原始的版本出版于1986年,在1990年做了修改。 (DMX 512 protocol is short for Digital Multiplex is light industry, general-purpose digital signal device control protocol, but also is an international agreement. USITT DMX512/1990 is dimming and lighting control data transmission standard, is commonly used in the field of entertainment lighting control protocol. 0-10V analog control previously used more, now is the entertainment lighting industry, the main DMX512 control protocol. USITT DMX512/1990 by the American Association of Theater Technology USITT s. The original version published in 1986, was revised in 1990.)
    2011-12-02 15:44:06下载
  • 3draw
    说明:  VB绘制3维立体几何图案,程序源码,绘图实例源码,三维制图(VB drawing 3D three-dimensional geometric patterns, program source code, drawing example source code, 3D drawing)
    2020-06-26 09:27:39下载
  • CHP500B
    串口通信,采用CRC16 算法,用mscomm控件实现对chp500电源的信息采集,可以设置电源的电压和频率,word文件的是通讯协议,上位机发送和下位机返回,串口通讯看懂了通讯协议就没什么问题的啦。(Serial communication using the CRC16 algorithm, mscomm realize chp500 power control information collection, you can set the voltage and frequency, word document is the communication protocol, host computer to send and return lower machine, serial communication protocol is very important to you)
    2010-05-31 08:37:37下载
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