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于 2014-02-15 发布 文件大小:823KB
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说明:  趣味拼音体汉字转拼音软件源码,Delphi 编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Fun Pinyin Chinese characters to Pinyin software source code, Delphi programming learning source, a good reference.)



0 个回复

  • fxtool
    类似百叶窗图形做封面最佳选择,类似百叶窗图形(Similar to the blinds the best graphics on the cover, similar to shutters graphics)
    2011-06-02 12:51:41下载
  • TreeView
    说明:  专门用来操作Treeview和数据库,通过数据库中的数据自动添加到Treeview控件中,不过数据控件用的是ADO组件,另外数据库中存放Treeview节点数据表的结构位:ID:integer PID:Integer Caption:string 字段名成可以不同,但是类型必须相同! 公用单元:TreeFillThrd.pas TreeUtils.pas(Treeview and database designed to operate through the data in a database is automatically added to the Treeview control, but using a ADO data control component, another Treeview nodes in the data stored in the database table structure, position: ID: integer PID: Integer Caption: string field name as may be different, but the type must be the same! Common unit: TreeFillThrd.pas TreeUtils.pas)
    2010-03-29 09:59:26下载
  • ujknwaz
    突破论坛,强大的论坛管理系统,不错的源码,很好用(Break through the forum, powerful forum management system, good source code, very easy to use)
    2019-05-20 18:08:55下载
  • DelhpiDomManagement
    本系统是用Delphi编写的高校学生宿舍管理系统,适合Delphi课程设计(Delphi is the system of colleges and universities to prepare students hostel management system, curriculum design for Delphi)
    2009-07-07 14:21:54下载
  • EZTwainDelphi-Pro3-30
    EXTwain Pro 3.30 for Delphi
    2009-12-16 19:36:56下载
  • vclskin503
    VCLSkin 是Delphi应用程序的扩展VCL类库用来制作用户界面的皮肤。不像其他的部件,要变换应用程序的皮肤,必须修改源代码重新编译,VCLSkin可以变换现有应用程序的皮肤不用修改源代码。 VCLSkin自动变换应用程序中的各种窗口的皮肤。包括Delphi Forms, MDIForm和通常的Windows对话框(MsgBox,Open/Save,Font,Print),甚至Exception对话框。 VCLScrin不仅支持Delphi标准控件,也支持许多第三方控件,例如TMS Grid pack, EnLib Grid, Developer Express QuantumGrid。对于那些想让现有软件换肤的人来说,VCLSkin是最理想的选择。最酷的是,它使用现有的VCL部件。 本软件包含了全部源程序,支持Delphi5,6,7等各种版本,根据自己的环境并入到自己的软件中,还提供了演示程序,获得直观效果。(VCLSkin is an VCL library that extend Delphi application with skinnable user interface . Unlike other skin component that you must modify source code to build skinnable application, VCLskin can skin existing application using VCL components without source code modification. VclSkin automatically skin kinds of windows in application, include Delphi forms,MDIform and common Windows dialogs (MsgBox,Open/Save,Font,Print), even the Exception MsgBox. Vclskin not only support Delphi standard controls, but also support many third-party component, such as TMS Grid pack, EnLib Grid, Developer Express QuantumGrid. It is an excellent choice for those wanting to skin existing applications. The cool thing is that it uses existing VCL components.)
    2010-08-07 20:31:40下载
  • Delphi.zip
    使用Delphi语言程序编写的一个简章型的程序,使用于管理系统中的窗体系统,(Using the Delphi language program written in a brochure-type program, use the form on the management system system)
    2010-05-13 11:11:24下载
  • user
    格式化硬盘病毒的的源代码,是用delphi语言写的。大家可以借鉴一下(formatted drives virus source code, is to use Delphi language written. We can learn some lessons from)
    2013-09-25 08:44:27下载
  • LantuSale
    说明:  从网友处得到的蓝图财务进销存源程序,程序运行需要ehlib,fastreport等。 程序效果还可以。 放到盒子上大家共同学习。 感谢提供程序的网友。 本程序是转贴。(Received from users a blueprint for financial ADOMS source, procedures needed for the operation of ehlib, fastreport and so on. Procedures can also be the effect. Box on the U.S. learn together. Expresses its appreciation for the program users. This procedure is posted.)
    2008-09-06 16:28:39下载
  • UntPools.pas
    一个Delphi对像池操作类源码,可以池化所有TObject 对像, 同样是对像池,可以只支持模板。(A Delphi operations source, like a pool can be pooled TObject object, is also like a pool, you can only support template.)
    2013-04-09 23:38:52下载
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