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于 2014-02-24 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  如下亮度变换功能的函数:负片变换、对数变换、gamma变换、和对比度拉伸变换。(Brightness as a function of conversion functions: negative transformation, logarithmic transformation, gamma conversion, and contrast stretching transformation.)



0 个回复

  • Floyd
    用matlab来仿真floyd算法,并计算任意两点的最短路径和路由;(Using matlab to simulate floyd algorithm, and calculate any two of the shortest path and routing )
    2008-03-22 16:20:52下载
  • Applied.Quantum.Mechanics
    一本很好的matlab学习代码,内有详尽的方法,英文版的(Matlab code for a good, detailed methods in English version)
    2013-01-08 01:30:53下载
  • watrm
    直接将秘密图像的高4bit隐藏在RGB载体图像的R,G,B层中所选的那一层的低4bit,并将秘密图像提取出来,最后显示。要求载体图像的大小大于等于秘密图像的大小,且秘密图像是二值或灰度图像(Directly to the secret image hidden in the high-4bit RGB vector images R, G, B layer, then a layer of selected low 4bit, and extracted secret image, the final show. Required size of the image carrier is greater than equal to the size of the secret image, and the secret image is a binary or gray image)
    2010-05-17 14:56:02下载
  • paper3
    Transmission of Voice Signal BER Performance Analysis of Different FEC Schemes Based OFDM System over Various Channels
    2015-02-23 20:13:10下载
  • eight
    Audio signal modelling containing a sequence of 2 identical chirp signals with an addition to filtering an image using simple low-pass 1-D filter.
    2014-02-12 16:48:27下载
    介绍MATLAB的一些常用指令,有利于我们更好更快熟悉使用MATLAB(show some orders to us about matlab,you will get some chivement )
    2010-03-13 09:38:19下载
  • mat_w0.85
    matlab的程序包,可以用来计算复杂网络的各种参数(This matlab program package can calculate parameters of the network)
    2013-10-23 17:13:53下载
  • Bartlettmethod
    bartle自功率谱密度分析,对于直接法的功率谱估计,当数据长度N太大时,谱曲线起伏加剧,若N太小,谱的分辨率又不好,因此需要改进。(Bartle since the power spectral density analysis, for the direct method of power spectrum estimation, when the data length N is too large, the spectrum curve of the ups and downs, if N is too small, the resolution of the spectrum and is not good, so need to improve.)
    2014-09-26 15:29:33下载
    STATCOM working model with voltage satbility
    2013-10-04 01:31:46下载
  • Illustration_Norms
    or a thorough description of the norms, see the Chapter 4 of Robust and Optimal Control, Zhou, Glover, Doyle 1996. Here the point is to give some lines of code illustrating what are the H2 and Hinf norms of LTI systems. In that sense, it is also illustrated that the H2 norm is smooth in the space of the system parameters, whereas the Hinf norm is non-smooth locally Lipschitz (since it is a min-max problem, thus prone to the waterbed effect ).
    2015-01-25 21:06:50下载
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