首页 » C# » C-SHARP_USB_ADC_Test


于 2020-12-03 发布 文件大小:76KB
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  在C#平台调用USB-I2C适配器或者USB-SPI适配器的二次编程接口函数实现ADC(模数转换)功能,USB-SPI适配器和USB-I2C适配器有8路、12bit、采样频率为1M的ADC,适配器采用3.3V参考电压,利用适配器的ADC功能可以测量0到3.3V之间的模拟电压信号。(Calling adapter or USB-I2C adapter USB-SPI in C# programming interface functions to achieve the secondary platform ADC (analog-digital conversion) feature, USB-SPI adapter and the adapter has a USB-I2C 8, 12bit, the sampling frequency of 1M of the ADC, adapter with 3.3V reference voltage, use the adapter ADC function can measure analog voltage signal between 0 to 3.3V.)





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  • vc
    说明:  本压缩包里 有两个程序一个是vc++和arm的c语言在ads中开发。功能主要是串口发送命令个arm,然后arm响应命令,然后执行操作。对初学arm和vc的人很有帮助(The compression bag has two procedures one is vc++ And arm of the c language developed in the ads. Function is mainly to send the serial order of arm, and then arm in response to command, and then perform operations. Arm of the beginner and those who vc helpful)
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