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于 2015-04-22 发布 文件大小:210KB
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  GPS的RMC、CGATT等格式帧的数据定位解析(GPS locate)



0 个回复

  • matcomVCmixed-programming
    讲述MATLAB与VC混合编程的一篇文章(About the mixed programming MATLAB and VC article)
    2011-12-06 19:26:29下载
  • kalman
    kalman滤波,能够读取数据样本,并对下一数据进行滤波(kalman filtering, be able to read data samples, and the next data filtering)
    2009-04-04 09:21:12下载
  • windowsprog
    说明:   本书介绍了在Microsoft Windows 98、Microsoft Windows NT 4.0和Windows NT 5.0下程序写作的方法。这些程序用C语言编写并使用原始的Windows Application Programming Interface(API)。如在本章稍后所讨论的,这不是写作Windows程序的唯一方法。然而,无论最终您使用什么方式写作程序,了解Windows API都是非常重要的。(This book describes the Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and Windows NT 5.0 under the process writing approach. These procedures used C language and use the original Windows Application Programming Interface (API). As discussed later in this chapter, and it is not writing the only way to Windows program. However, regardless of how you use the writing process, understand the Windows API are very important.)
    2009-08-12 20:58:53下载
  • xian
    运用matlab软件,编程运算,进行回归分析(Use matlab software, programming operations, the regression analysis)
    2013-09-14 10:15:19下载
  • 91332001RayTrace1.1
    说明:  蒙特卡罗方法可以有效地解决复杂的工程问题,而MATLAB具有强大的数值计算功能。将二者结合使用,可以得到高效的解决问题的方法。本文阐述了该方法并通过实例验证了该方法的正确性和优越性。 (Monte Carlo method can effectively solve complex engineering problems, and MATLAB has powerful function of numerical calculation. The two in combination, can be cost-effective solution to the problem. This paper describes the methods and examples of the method to verify the correctness and superiority.)
    2008-12-04 20:48:05下载
  • matlab-a-VC
    Vc+_+调用matlab的一个实例,包括matlab源文件,VC源文件,以及word和pdf文件说明(Vc+_+ call matlab one instance, including the matlab source file, VC source files, as well as word and pdf file description)
    2013-07-13 16:10:42下载
  • shengyazhuanhuan
    用于进行声压转换的matlab文件,声压数据来源于ansys软件的计算后导出来的。(Used for sound pressure to convert matlab file, sound pressure data from the calculation software ansys guide out.)
    2013-09-26 09:10:30下载
  • matlab-and-vcPP
    将matlab与vc++结合各自发挥特长,实现强大的界面控制的数字图像处理功能。(Matlab and vc++ respective strengths, powerful interface control digital image processing functions.)
    2013-05-01 10:56:23下载
  • yuesefuhuan
    1、熟悉掌握线型表的基本操作在两种存储结构上的实现的,其中以各种链表的操作和应用作为重点。 2、利用顺序存储结构模拟此过程,按照出列的顺序输出各个数的编号。 (1, familiarity with the basic operation of linear form in the two kinds of storage structure on the realization, in which various lists of the operation and application of focus. 2, using sequential storage structure simulation of this process, in accordance with a different number of columns in the order of the output number.)
    2009-12-30 08:46:40下载
  • WindowsApplication1
    的身份是发生的速度是的收费电视 是东方大厦的收费电视 适当方式算法 算法(sfsfsfs)
    2009-05-13 19:31:04下载
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