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于 2012-12-07 发布 文件大小:312KB
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  DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol,动态主机配置协议)是IETF为实现IP的自动配置而设计的协议,它可以为客户机自动分配IP地址、子网掩码以及缺省网关、DNS服务器的IP地址等TCP/IP参数。了解DHCP工作过程可以帮助我们排除有关DHCP服务遇到的问题。DHCP 协议是基于UDP层之上的应用,本文结合抓报所得数据分析DHCP协议实现原理(DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is the IETF protocol designed for automatic configuration of IP for the client, it can automatically assign the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway, DNS server IP addressand other TCP/IP parameters. Understanding of the DHCP the work process can help us to rule out problems encountered about DHCP service. The DHCP protocol is based on the the UDP layer on top of the application, combined with a grasp reported income data analysis DHCP protocol implementation principle)



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