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于 2010-08-13 发布 文件大小:73KB
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  simulink仿真程序 解决 LC震荡电路等问题(simulink LC oscillator circuit simulation program to solve problems)



0 个回复

  • kalman
    代码实现了基于卡尔曼滤波算法的信号估计,该算法有很好的跟踪能力,能用于信道事变的情况(Code based on the Kalman filter algorithm estimates the signal, the algorithm has good tracking ability can be used in case of channel events)
    2011-07-02 21:24:13下载
  • dist
    用Matlab直接计算两个矩阵之间的笛卡尔距离,通用性高(Direct calculation using Matlab Cartesian distance between two matrices, general-purpose high)
    2011-09-24 14:30:05下载
  • InvertedPendulumSystem
    】通过建立倒立摆系统的数学模型,应用状态反馈控制配置系统极点设计倒立摆系统的 控制器,实现其状态反馈,从而使倒立摆系统稳定工作。之后通过MA TLAB 软件中Simulink 工具对倒立摆的运动进行计算机仿真,仿真结果表明,所设计方法可使系统稳定工作并具有良 好的动静态性能(] Through the establishment of an inverted pendulum system mathematical model, the application of state feedback control design configuration of the system pole inverted pendulum system controller, to achieve its state-feedback, so that the work of the inverted pendulum system is stable. After the adoption of MA TLAB software Simulink tool for inverted pendulum movement of the computer simulation, simulation results show that the design work will enable the system is stable and has good static and dynamic performance)
    2007-08-27 10:49:02下载
  • music
    阵列天线的DOA估计MUSIC算法,只有几行简单的代码(DOA estimate the array antenna MUSIC algorithm, only a few lines of simple code)
    2008-04-01 14:57:14下载
  • energy11111111
    计算小波能谱熵的资料,很有用。计算小波能谱熵的资料,很有用。计算小波能谱熵的资料,很有用。(Calculating wavelet energy spectrum entropy information useful. Calculating wavelet energy spectrum entropy information useful. Calculating wavelet energy spectrum entropy information useful.)
    2011-07-06 09:34:40下载
  • gridtrimesh
    通过MATLAB对点云数据生成三维网格,并将三维网格做四边形网格细化处理。其中还有专门生成三维网格点云的MATLAB程序( This example shows how a triangular mesh can be resampled on a meshgrid -generated square grid. We illustrate the usage of both functions gridtrimesh and mxgridtrimesh . These two should produce identical results. Funcion mxgridtrimesh is a compiled MEX function written in C and should quicker than)
    2021-04-27 14:28:44下载
  • LS0903201_Mahesh
    Matlab Calculator: Use Matlab GUI environment to make a simple calculator.
    2010-01-14 11:14:26下载
  • onlineextremlinermachinestudy
    matlab版本的OLELM算法(在线极速序列机器学习算法),能进行模型训练和函数拟合。(matlab version OLELM algorithm (line speed serial machine learning algorithms), capable of model training and function fitting.)
    2013-09-04 14:29:31下载
  • prj
    how to realise the KSW
    2010-11-16 03:35:14下载
  • ofdm
    说明:  一些ofdm同步算法的经典文献,初学者必看,不可错过(Some ofdm synchronization algorithm of the classic literature, beginners must see, not to be missed)
    2011-03-03 09:44:15下载
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