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于 2021-04-29 发布 文件大小:52KB
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  Profibus-DP从站原理图, VPC3芯片配合STM32F103RBT6的系统,AD6原理图格式。(Profibus-DP slave schematics, VPC3 chip with STM32F103RBT6 system, AD6 schematic format.)



0 个回复

  • Touch
    四线电阻触摸屏+ADS7843 包括液晶的和触摸屏的程序 液晶屏的控制器是LC7981,兼容HD61830(Four-wire resistive touch screen+ ADS7843 Procedures including LCD and touch screen LCD controller LC7981 compatible with HD61830 )
    2012-04-07 04:33:22下载
  • audio-capture-raw-_console
    利用kinect获取原始的音频波形,得到四声道的pcm波形。(Use kinect to get the original audio waveform, get pcm waveform four channels.)
    2021-01-29 14:18:35下载
  • LTE_UL
    仿真过程中,将改进算法那与经典算法进行比较,通过对仿真数据如系统时延、系统丢包概率以及系统吞吐量的比较分析,评估改进算法的正确性和性能。(Simulation process, the improved algorithm that compares with the classical algorithm, through the simulation data system latency, packet loss probability of the system as well as a comparative analysis system throughput, improved assessment of the correctness and performance of the algorithm.)
    2014-05-05 12:12:19下载
  • Process-scheduling-
    ① 设计进程控制块PCB表结构,分别适用于优先数调度算法和循环轮转调度算法。 ②建立进程就绪队列。对两种不同算法编制入队子程序。 ③编制两种进程调度算法:1)优先数调度;2)循环轮转调度 (① design process control block PCB table structure, respectively, for priority scheduling algorithm and round-robin scheduling algorithm. ② establish a process ready queue. Two different algorithms for the preparation of subroutine into the team. ③ preparing two kinds of process scheduling algorithm: 1) priority scheduling 2) round-robin scheduling)
    2020-11-27 09:49:31下载
  • HRing
    一个自制的小闹钟程序,程序可以配置,能够切换背景以及时间显示的外观,两者可以单独变换也可以一起变换。(A self-made small alarm clock program, the program can be configured, can switch the time display background and appearance, the two can be alone together can also transform transformation.)
    2007-07-18 13:02:06下载
  • VB
    说明:  VB串口通讯实例 高精度电压表(24bit) VB源程序(VB serial communication example high precision voltage meter (24bit) VB source code)
    2007-09-16 22:37:48下载
  • byqh
    一个变压器保护的程序,是配电变电所内的保护程序(A transformer protection program, is within the power distribution substation protection program)
    2010-07-07 10:44:00下载
  • FileClient
    Fei transmission similar to the LAN chatting transmission procedures, regardless of the server and client, he can take full advantage of the LAN network resources, transmission speed over 10MB/s, but is aesthetically pleasing user interface
    2014-10-30 16:06:06下载
  • Frequency
    PIC (PIC16F886) 做的简单频率计 用TMR0定时1s,将待测信号从T1CKI脚输入,用TMR1进行计数,读出TMR1H,TMR1L的值就是频率 单片机:PIC16F886 显示:LCD1602 编程语言:PIC C 附Proteus仿真。(PIC (PIC16F886) to do a simple frequency counter TMR0 timer with 1s, the test signal input pin from T1CKI with TMR1 count, read TMR1H, TMR1L value is the frequency of the microcontroller: PIC16F886 display: LCD1602 with Proteus simulation.)
    2011-09-14 02:25:12下载
  • 将十进制数转换为二进制数和16进制数 CONVERT
    将十进制数转换为二进制数和16进制数,可用于单片机初值设定时的计算(convert decimal to binary and hexadecimal ,Can be used to calculate the initial set of single chip microcomputer)
    2014-05-02 16:41:06下载
  • 696524资源总数
  • 103791会员总数
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