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  使用高斯混合模型(GMM),对声音信号进行识别,包括对特征参数的采集、训练和识别过程(Using the Gaussian mixture model (GMM)to realize the recognition of the sound signal, including the acquisition of the characteristic parameters,the training and the recognition process)


GMM recognition



0 个回复

  • speechstt
    c#写的语音识别程序,识别效率还算可以。且根据识别可以给出相应的识别百分比。适合研究语音识别以及tts的参考!(c# to write the speech recognition process, identify efficiency figure. And recognition can be given according to the percentage of the corresponding identification. Tts speech recognition, as well as for research reference!)
    2010-06-01 09:51:14下载
  • VoiceModem
    互联网著名国产软件小沁语音信使源代码。使用TAPI接口及语音Modem,实现语音电话自动拨打,语音录制及播放,广泛适用于企事业广告营销。(The use of TAPI interface and voice Modem, realize voice telephone automatic dial, voice recording and playback, widely applicable to the business of advertising and marketing. )
    2015-02-05 09:59:19下载
  • ISM
    房间脉冲响应函数IMAGE,用于计算房间混响时间的(Room impulse response function IMAGE, used to calculate the room reverberation time)
    2021-01-24 11:58:38下载
  • nlmsbeamformer2
    lms alghoiritm method adaptive system
    2012-04-10 00:34:57下载
  • lunwen
    本文主要研究普通计算环境下语音自动识别(ASR)技术的软件实时实现,基于语音识别的基本原理和过程。在VC环境下建立了一套语音识别系统及其演示软件。实验表明,该系统对特定人情况有较高的识别率和一定的实时性(In this paper, under the computing environment on general automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology to achieve real-time software, speech recognition based on the basic principles and processes. VC environment in the establishment of a voice recognition system and its presentation software. The experiments show that the systems are in particular have a high recognition rate and a certain degree of real-time)
    2009-06-06 15:14:09下载
  • NLMS
    用NLMS实现对语音的回声的消除,共4个文件,语音原声,语音回声,NLMS的实现,回声路径(Using NLMS realize voice echo on the elimination of a total of four documents, voice, soundtrack, voice echo, NLMS realization echo path)
    2021-04-13 09:48:56下载
  • lms
    基于lms的改进型谱减法,降低噪声效果好(Improved LMS-based spectral subtraction, noise reduction effect)
    2008-05-07 13:30:14下载
  • der
    speech dereverberation using homomorphic processing
    2012-12-02 12:26:12下载
  • AEC
    基于LMS算法和NLMS算法的自适应声回波消除器AEC,实现的主要功能是:在用户对电视发出的指令混杂了电视扬声器的声学回声的情况下,滤掉电视声音得到较为纯净的用户语音指令信号。(The main function of the adaptive filter based on the LMS algorithm and the NLMS algorithm is mixed: in the instruction issued by the user on the television TV speakers acoustic echo case, the TV sound was removed by filtration to obtain relatively pure user voice command signal.)
    2012-10-29 16:49:47下载
  • yuyinxinhaolianghua
    采用矢量量化对语音信号量化,并与标量量化对比分析,绘制了语音信号的概率密度曲线(The use of vector quantization for speech signal quantization and scalar quantization and comparative analysis, rendering the speech signal probability density curve)
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