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于 2014-02-07 发布 文件大小:1029KB
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  一个简单的源码,我是来学习慢慢来吧,谢谢大家(A simple source,)



0 个回复

  • lab1
    lab1d是简单的QtSim软件,执行结果为enter numbers,然后输入您想读取的数字,然后继续进程得到anwser(simple QtSim file,this file shows u the difference between the .asii and .asiiz .)
    2013-10-05 12:15:38下载
  • library.system
    利用vc里面的MFC开发设计的一个图书馆管理系统,节省图书查阅时间,有利提高图书馆的效率。(Vc inside use MFC to develop the design of a library management system, access to time-saving book, and therefore enhance the efficiency of the library.)
    2007-11-30 23:02:44下载
  • Wind
    Wind Turbine useful Documents
    2012-06-09 17:43:52下载
  • AOL的在线聊天系统的客户端
    AOL的在线聊天系统的客户端-AOL chat client
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  • LabWindows逐步深入与开发
    这是LabWindows逐步深入与开发实例的书籍代码(This is a gradual deepening and development of LabWindows books code examples)
    2009-02-19 14:16:56下载
  • 老外的TCPLIB 里面包括了很多东西,比如Sniff,以及IGMP封包,TCP封包,UDP封包等等封包创建序,以及隐匿扫描端口序和很多很多一共有10多个基...
    老外的TCPLIB 里面包括了很多东西,比如Sniff,以及IGMP封包,TCP封包,UDP封包等等封包创建程序,以及隐匿扫描端口程序和很多很多一共有10多个基于这个LIB的实例程序。为了让目录比较整洁,本来可以拆成10个源码的我把他压缩在了一起。-of the foreigners TCPLIB includes a lot of things, such as Sniff and IGMP packets, TCP packets, UDP packets, and so on the packet creation procedures, and misprision of port scanning procedures and there are a lot more than 10 on the LIB examples of procedures. To enable comparison directory clean, could have stuffed into 10 source I regard him in the compressed together. Ha ha
    2022-06-03 03:05:10下载
  • interval
    本程序实现了多区间的交集、并集和补集操作,很好使用。(This program implements multiple interval of the intersection, union and complement operations, very good use)
    2015-05-17 14:20:46下载
  • 是一个留言本简单实用。对刚学ASP开发的朋友是一个非常不错的例子。下了就可以用。 ADMIN...
    是一个留言本简单实用。对刚学ASP开发的朋友是一个非常不错的例子。下了就可以用。 ADMIN-Is a message in this simple and practical. On the development of a friend just learning ASP is a very good example. Can be used under the. ADMIN
    2023-08-19 15:50:03下载
  • shebeihuanchong
    假设系统中有两个分别名为P1、P2的进程及两台均可进行输入、输出操作的设备d1、d2。两个进程可以从两台设备中的任何一台输入数据,并可以向其中的任何一台设备输出数据。编写C程序,模拟操作系统中使用的设备缓冲区管理算法,完成上述进程的输入、输出操作及数据处理任务。(assumption that the system has two named P1, P2 and the process can be carried out two input, Output operation of equipment d1, d2. 2 process from two equipment of any one input data, and can assure them in any one piece of equipment output data. C. preparation procedures, the operating system simulation equipment used in the buffer management algorithms, completion of the admission process, operation and output data processing tasks.)
    2020-12-15 14:49:13下载
  • polarization_algorithm_example
    偏振光相位解算系统,利用斯托克斯参量法解算8字图(Polarization phase solver)
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