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  信号处理,振动方面的,很有用,绝不后悔,帮助很大(Signal processing, vibration issues, useful, never regret, very helpful)



0 个回复

  • Chapter5
    第四版prokias数字通信配套代码之第五章(source code(matlab )for prokias Digital Communication (4th edition))
    2009-03-17 15:14:16下载
  • SharifPWE_BZplot
    The ouput is the TE/TM band structure (first five bands) along pricipal directions (G-X-M-G) of a square-lattice photonic crystal with unit cell consisting of a substrate of "epb" relative permittivity with circular rods(holes) of "epa" relative permittivity and radius "r". Usage is SharifPWE_BZplot(N,RES,r,epa,epb) N: N in PWE algorithm (number at which the summations are truncated) RES: number of the divisions on every side of BZ#1 r: normalized radius of the circle of holes/rods (0<r<0.5) epa: relative permittivity of holes/rods epb: relative permittivity of the substrate Written by Amir Hosseini for the Course Photonic Crystals (C) Copyright 2005 School of Electrical Engineering Sharif University of Technology All Rights Reserved
    2012-05-22 00:56:58下载
    无迹卡尔曼滤波算法仿真,已经可以正常出图形结果。(Unscented Kalman Filter algorithm simulation, has been able to normal graphics results.)
    2017-10-21 16:43:22下载
  • kalmanfilter
    说明:  包含一个VC程序和几个matlab程序一个基于Opencv的预测随机运动的点的经典例子(kalman fiter)
    2009-08-04 09:12:10下载
  • Shapiro-Wilk-test-
    SWTEST Shapiro-Wilk parametric hypothesis test of composite normality. [H, pValue, SWstatistic] = SWTEST(X, ALPHA, TAIL) performs the Shapiro-Wilk test to determine if the null hypothesis of composite normality is a reasonable assumption regarding the population distribution of a random sample X. The desired significance level, ALPHA, is an optional scalar input (default = 0.05). TAIL indicates the type of test (default = 1).
    2015-01-13 00:25:43下载
  • Salt_pepper_noise_deblurring
    This is a code to reduce the salt-pepper noise in a figure by filtering.
    2009-06-23 01:44:23下载
  • Tested-codes
    Numerical matlab functions for Numerical course problems solving.
    2012-04-26 16:59:50下载
  • ercixiangguan
    实现时延估计中的二次相关算法,用于进行时延估计的计算。(请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 Shíxiàn shí yán gūjì zhōng de èr cì xiāngguān suànfǎ, yòng yú jìnxíng shí yán gūjì de jìsuàn.Realization of TDE secondary correlation algorithm, used for the calculation of time-delay estimation.)
    2014-09-24 21:01:15下载
  • mimo
    Capacity of a MIMO channel with nt transmit antenna and nr recieve antenna is analyzed. The power in parallel channel (after decomposition) is distributed as water-filling algorithm
    2008-05-30 11:40:00下载
  • chapter11_1
    matlab教材中经典的语音增强算法,voice enhancement 先读入语音文件,然后计算前后信噪比,最后画出波形。(The classic textbook matlab speech enhancement algorithms, voice enhancement before reading the speech file, and then calculate the signal to noise ratio before and after the final draw waveforms. )
    2013-11-25 20:27:14下载
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