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  53小波变化的vc程序,很详细,有一维和二维,可以对图像进行处理。(53 wavelet transform vc program, very detailed, one-dimensional and two-dimensional image processing.)





0 个回复

  • zsb
    用于折射波处理时的to、θ函数法求界面深度,浅层地震(Used for refraction wave in processing, θ function method to ask interface depth, shallow earthquake)
    2020-12-20 10:59:10下载
  • gabor_filter
    实现对图像的gabor小波变换,利用了opencv的函数库,可实现方向和尺度等多项选择。(Achieve image gabor wavelet transform, using the opencv function library, enabling the direction and scale and many other options.)
    2010-08-06 15:46:39下载
  • 5_3_lifting
    说明:  采用5/3小波提升算法编写的一维和二维信号小波分解与重构程序。给出了图象分解的演示示例。(using 5/3 wavelet algorithm to enhance the one-and two-dimensional wavelet decomposition and reconstruction process. Given the decomposition of images demonstration examples.)
    2005-11-22 21:31:26下载
  • gaga
    基于小波变换的ECG信号去噪系统设计,在信号采集时,身体的任一微小运动都会产生“基线漂移”,这是一种低频干扰,同时,由于肌电的存在又产生了高频的肌电噪声,由于空间电磁场的存在又使心电信号中混有50Hz的工频干扰。这些噪声不去除,就会影响下一步的信号处理。 综合运用数字信号处理的理论知识进行生物医学信号增强系统设计,实现ECG信号的去噪,从而加深对小波变换及其应用的理解,建立概念多分辨分析的概念,加深理解信号增强的原理、方法和步骤。本设计的主要内容是设计一个基于小波变换的ECG信号去噪系统,实现ECG信号的去噪。 (ECG signal denoising based on wavelet transform system design, signal acquisition, any small movement of the body will have a " baseline drift" , which is a low-frequency interference, while the high frequency due to the existence of the EMG muscle electrical noise due to the presence of electromagnetic field and the ECG signal mixed with a 50Hz power frequency interference. The noise is not removed, it will affect the next step in the signal processing. Use the theoretical knowledge of digital signal processing for biomedical signal enhancement system design to achieve the de-noising of ECG signal, so as to deepen understanding of the wavelet transform and its applications, to establish the concept of multi-resolution analysis of the concept, deepen the understanding of signal enhancement of the principle, the method and steps. The main elements of this design is the design of an ECG signal denoising based on wavelet transform denoising the ECG signals.)
    2012-07-07 16:25:58下载
  • waveletvideo_coding
    < VISUAL C++ 小波变换技术与工程实践>>书中所附程序:小波变换在视频编码压缩中的应用(<VISUAL C++ Wavelet transform technology and engineering practice of>> the book accompanying procedures: Application of wavelet transform in video coding compression)
    2007-01-05 15:53:25下载
  • DWT1D
    C语言实现一维离散小波变换,通过mallat算法实现对一维信号的快速重构和分解。(C language implementation of a one-dimensional discrete wavelet transform, fast algorithm by mallat one-dimensional signal reconstruction and decomposition.)
    2021-01-02 16:48:57下载
  • Blur-Detection-Using-Wavelet
    基于论文<<Blur Detection for digital images using wavelet transform>>,使用Haar小波变换实现图像模糊度检测。(Based on paper <Blur Detection for digital images using wavelet transform> > , Using the Haar wavelet transform of image blur detection.)
    2020-07-17 20:58:48下载
  • tei_kr12
    FMCW调频连续波雷达的测距测角,可以得到很精确的幅值、频率、相位估计,有小波分析的盲信号处理。( FMCW frequency modulated continuous wave radar range and angular measurements, You can get a very accurate amplitude, frequency, phase estimation, There Wavelet Analysis Blind Signal Processing.)
    2017-05-27 14:13:25下载
  • IntDCT
    具有提升分解结构的整数离散变换,可用于基于提升格式的小波变换设计。(Enhance the breakdown structure of the integers with the discrete transform can be used for wavelet transform based on lifting scheme design.)
    2011-11-07 12:45:45下载
  • wavelet
    小波阈值法去噪的程序,其中有关于信噪比和均方根误差的公式(wavelet denoising)
    2011-05-24 20:47:45下载
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