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于 2008-12-18 发布 文件大小:635KB
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  用matlab语言编写的试井分析的程序,做出了均质无限大地层的图像(Matlab language with well test analysis procedures, has made an infinite homogeneous strata image)





0 个回复

  • graphtheoryprogram
    有关图论程序,用matlab编写的,可进行顶点染色和边染色(Procedures related to graph theory, and the preparation of the matlab can be carried out vertex coloring and edge coloring)
    2009-04-07 15:28:54下载
  • Modeling-of-statistical-methods
    说明:  这是关于统计方法的建模,适合于初学者。希望对大家有帮助。(Modeling of statistical methods)
    2011-02-28 11:21:41下载
  • zoom
    说明:  matlab实现双线性插值算法,在界面上实现读取存放缩放图片(matlab bilinear interpolation algorithm to achieve, in the interface to read stored zoom picture)
    2008-10-09 10:38:37下载
  • qpsk
    本程序实现QPSK信号,通过瑞利信道后的各部分星座图(The program QPSK signal, Rayleigh channel through each part of the constellation after)
    2021-04-28 20:18:43下载
  • Research-AR-on-vibration-signals
    本算法程序基于实测汽轮机振动信号进行了测试及性能分析。理论分析及仿真结果表明,AR模型谱估计算法在阶次合适的情况下,能够取得较好的方差及分辨力性能,适合于振动信号的功率谱估计,且AIC准则为确定合理的模型阶次提供了有效依据。(This algorithm based on the measured turbine vibration signal testing and performance analysis. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that, AR model spectrum estimation algorithm in appropriate circumstances the order, the variance can achieve better performance and resolution, suitable for vibration signal power spectrum estimation, and the AIC criterion to determine a reasonable model order provides an effective basis.)
    2013-11-26 12:39:37下载
  • 时域频域小波特征
    说明:  信号特征提取matlab实现代码,包括时域、频域、时频域分析。具体使用根据自身需要改进。(Signal feature extraction matlab code, including time domain, frequency domain, time-frequency domain analysis. Specific use according to their own needs to improve.)
    2021-03-07 13:09:29下载
  • Multi-point-to-Multi-user-
    支持多点-多用户协作传输的切换技术研究的仿真(Support multi- multi user collaboration transmission switching technology research and simulation )
    2012-05-03 14:07:28下载
  • some-simple-operations-of-link
    在洞穴深处,精灵王子不小心触动了洞穴内暗藏的机关,整个洞穴将很快塌陷,精灵王子必 须尽快逃离洞穴。精灵王子的跑步速度为17m/s,以这样的速度可能是无法逃出洞穴的。庆幸的是精灵王子拥有闪烁法术,可在1s内移动60m,不过每次使用闪烁 法术都会消耗魔法值10点。精灵王子的魔法值恢复的速度为4点/s,只有处在原地休息状态时才能恢复。现在已知精灵王子的魔法初值M,他所在洞穴中的位置与 洞穴出口之间的距离S,距离洞穴塌陷的时间T。你的任务是写一个程序帮助精灵王子计算如何在最短的时间内逃离洞穴。(In the depths of the cave, the elven prince accidentally touched a hidden cave organ, the entire cave will soon collapse, elf prince will Must escape from the cave as quickly as possible. Running speed elven prince of 17m/s, at this rate may be unable to escape the cave. Fortunately elven prince has flashes of magic, can move within 60m 1s, but each use flashing Spell will consume mana 10:00. Elf Prince mana recovery speed of 4:00/s, to resume only in situ resting state. Now the magic elf prince known initial value M, the location of the cave where he and Distance between S cave exit from the cave to collapse time T. Your task is to write a program to help calculate how elven prince fled the cave in the shortest possible time)
    2014-08-12 10:55:36下载
  • EKF
    在非线性条件下对单目标在平稳白噪声杂波背景下的航迹关联,扩展卡尔曼(Under the condition of non-linearity, the tracking correlation of a single target in stationary white noise clutter background is extended Kalman)
    2016-11-04 09:05:20下载
    Variational Bayes by EmtiyazKhan
    2009-02-20 15:22:09下载
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