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  在MATLAB下实现模糊综合评价,有GUI用户界面,例子为打分系统,为初学者提供帮助。 简介:模糊综合评价法是一种基于模糊数学的综合评标方法。该综合评价法根据模糊数学的隶属度理论把定性评价转化为定量评价,即用模糊数学对受到多种因素制约的事物或对象做出一个总体的评价。它具有结果清晰,系统性强的特点,能较好地解决模糊的、难以量化的问题,适合各种非确定性问题的解决。(Achieved in MATLAB comprehensive uation, there are GUI user interface, examples of scoring system, for beginners to help. Profile: fuzzy comprehensive uation is a comprehensive uation method based on fuzzy mathematics. The comprehensive uation method based on the theory of fuzzy membership of the qualitative uation into quantitative uation, which uses fuzzy mathematics by a variety of factors thing or object to make an overall uation. It has a clear result, systematic and strong features, it can solve vague, difficult to quantify the problem, for solving the problem of non-deterministic.)





0 个回复

  • U14SSS11-MAP-PM
    对七号信令MAP协议进行非常细致的讲解,大家有需要的可以下载参考(MAP signaling protocol on the 7th a very detailed explanation, you need to download the reference)
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  • WIMAXsource
    WIMAX_WZ_withencoding:信道估计,相位噪声补偿,频偏估计,编解码都有 WIMAX_WZ_withoutencoding:在上面的工程基础上,去掉编解码部分 WIMAX_WZ_withoutprocessing:在上面的工程基础上,再去掉相位噪声补偿,频偏估计 WIMAX_WZ_withoutprocessing2:在上面的工程基础上,改用新的前导和导频联合信道估计方案,参考文档《基于802_16d标准的OFDM信道估计技术的研究与实现.kdh》 因为白噪声信道仿真只能体现QPSK调制和RS-CC编码的性能,需要仿真SNR可控的SUI信道,来估计信道均衡的性能。 在多普勒频偏fd>100Hz时,联合信道估计性能才比前导估计强,否则前导估计性能更优。对于600MHz中心频率,要求收发机相对运动速度大于180km/h,这种情况出现的概率不大(WIMAX_WZ_withencoding: channel estimation, phase noise compensation, frequency estimation, the codec has WIMAX_WZ_withoutencoding: the project on the basis of the above, remove the codec section WIMAX_WZ_withoutprocessing: the project on the basis of the above, then remove the phase noise compensation, offset estimation WIMAX_WZ_withoutprocessing2: In the project on the basis of the above, use the new leader and pilot joint channel estimation scheme, the document " Standards-based 802_16d OFDM channel estimation and implementation of technology .kdh" because white noise channel simulation only reflects the QPSK modulation and RS-CC coding performance requires simulation SNR controllable SUI channel, to estimate the performance of channel equalization. When Doppler shift fd> 100Hz, joint channel estimation performance was stronger than the leading estimate, otherwise better estimation performance leader. For 600MHz center frequency transceiver requirements relative velocity )
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