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于 2007-12-19 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  包含两个文件KMEAN.h,KMEAN.CPP,使用方法非常简单,将数据存成.dat文件,即可对其进行K均值聚类(Consists of two documents KMEAN.h, KMEAN.CPP, very simple to use, the data saved as. Dat file can be K-means clustering)



0 个回复

  • Rruiilifenbuua
    瑞利分布+杂波雷达信号MATLAB仿真程序源码,希望望对有做雷达信号的朋友有帮助 可直接使用。 已通过测试。 (Rayleigh distribution+ hybrid radar signal MATLAB simulation program source code, I hope to look on the friend of a radar signal to help can be used directly. Has been tested.)
    2012-07-20 08:40:16下载
  • Clieduua
    计算机械振动烈度,由采集的振振动位移数据来求得可直接使用。 (Calculation of the mechanical vibration intensity, obtained by the vibration vibration displacement data collected can be used directly.)
    2012-07-24 00:39:57下载
  • frft
    分数阶傅里叶变换matlab的实现,可以看看的(Fractional Fourier transform matlab realization, you can see the)
    2013-04-18 14:55:20下载
  • huffman
    2010-12-09 13:31:26下载
  • SearchPath478
    This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your SearchPath application.(This file contains a summary of what you wil l find in each of the files that make up your Searc hPath application.)
    2006-09-08 15:21:06下载
  • 5
    一道程序编译顺序的考题,涉及到函数调用的先后顺序及运算符号的优先级等问题。下面我展开给你讲。 C的程序编译总是从main函数开始的,这道题的重点在“fun((int)fun(a+c,b),a-c)) ”语句。 系统首先要确定最外层 fun()函数的实参,第一个参数的确定需要递归调用fun()函数(不妨称其为内层函数)。内层函数的两个参数分别为x=a+b=2+8=10、y=b=5,执行函数体x+y=10+5=15,于是得外层函数的参数x=15。其另一个参数y=a-c=2-b=-6,再次执行函数体,得最终返回值x+y=15+(-6)=9。 (Compiling together the sequence of test procedures, involving the sequence of function calls and operator symbols, such as the priority problem. Now I give you to start speaking. Procedures for C compiler always start from the main function and at这道题the focus of " fun ((int) fun (a+ c, b), ac)) " statement. System must first determine the most outer layer of fun () function of real parameters, the first parameters of recursive calls required fun () function (may be called the inner function). Inner function separately for the two parameters x = a+ b = 2+8 = 10, y = b = 5, to execute the function body x+ y = 10+5 = 15, then the outer function parameters were x = 15 . Its another parameter y = ac = 2-b =- 6, once again to execute the function body may eventually return the value of x+ y = 15+ (-6) = 9.)
    2009-03-15 15:36:23下载
  • sim
    matlab with simulink can do simulation of wimax before you can model your system then simulate to improve the performance
    2010-01-31 06:49:59下载
  • matlaba
    matlab代码 各种信息 对于初学者很有用(matlab code a variety of useful information for beginners)
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  • KTLTHDT-Slide
    C++ project simulation
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  • duffing
    ZXZXC下从CWE WER WER 我啊啊 啊 但机考就i(ZXZXC from and CWE WER WER but I ah ah ah computer test to i)
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