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于 2015-05-30 发布 文件大小:187KB
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  A Method of Segmentation For Glaucoma Screening Using Superpixel Classification



0 个回复

  • selfinformation
    事务管理系统,此项目可以管理自己的一些日常事务,方便你的生活。(Transaction management system, this project can manage some of their own daily affairs, to facilitate your life.)
    2011-10-31 13:52:34下载
  • Personnel-management-system
    本资料为MFC+SQL人事管理系统,内含报告和程序。功能完善,可在VC6.0上运行。 在现代化的企业管理中,人事管理系统显得尤为重要,有效利用办公自动化的人事管理系统,能够极大地提高人事管理的效率,同时也是企业进行科学化、正规化管理的手段。通过本人事管理数据库管理系统软件,能帮助人事管理人员利用计算机快速方便的对企业人事资源进行管理。在一方面提高了管理者的工作效率,减少了传统人工管理方式所带来的人力,物力的浪费,另一方面由于本软件具有查找方便、可靠性高、存储量大等优点,实现了企业人事管理的自动化。(In the modern enterprise management, personnel management system is particularly important, effective use of personnel management office automation system, can greatly improve the efficiency of personnel management, enterprise means of scientific and standardized management. By the personnel management database management system software, can help the use of computer personnel managers of enterprises and personnel resources to manage quickly and easily. On the one hand improve the efficiency of managers, reducing the traditional manual management brought the human, material waste, on the other hand, as the software is easy to find, high reliability, large memory capacity, etc., to achieve the enterprise personnel management automation. The information for MFC+SQL personnel management system, including reports and procedures. Perfect function, can be run in VC6.0.)
    2013-05-12 11:21:57下载
  • renshimanage
    小型人事管理系统,C++和SQL语言编写,MFC界面(Small personnel management system, C++ and SQL language, MFC interface)
    2010-12-03 20:43:30下载
  • swsusp_64
    PowerPC 64-bit swsusp implementation.
    2015-06-16 12:39:19下载
  • worker
    基于java开发的人事管理系统,主要包含查询员工信息,员工工资,添加修改删除员工信息的功能(Mainly consists of a query-based the java development personnel management system, employee information, employee wages, add modify delete employee information)
    2012-12-06 21:55:30下载
  • Manage_ssm
    项目描述:本项目主要是培训机构招生项目的教务系统 ,系统主要功能模块包括:系统管理模块(员工管理,角色管理与变更,权限管理与变更,数据字典),营销管理模块(短信与邮件管理,营销活动),招生管理模块(学员池,招生线索,试听与跟踪记录),班级管理模块(科目、教程、课程信息,教师管理,班级管理),学员管理模块(学员信息,学院评价,学员成绩),教务管理模块(班级事物,学员考勤),财务管理模块(学员缴费,员工薪水)等。
    2015-12-24 14:51:40下载
  • Contract-Management
    用C++编写的企业合同管理软件,含SQL数据库及界面设计(Written in C++, enterprise contract management software, including SQL database and interface design)
    2011-04-24 16:16:55下载
  • kufangguanlixitong
    这是一个以visual foxpro6.0为环境的程序,库房管理系统描述了一个如何管理库房,输入库房信息的程序(This is a visual foxpro6.0 procedures for the environment, warehouse management system describes how to manage a warehouse, enter the storehouse of information procedures)
    2011-01-01 12:18:21下载
  • TCS3CF-TCD42A_TouchStrip_Fingerprint_Authenticati
    upek s fingerprint sensor s documentation.
    2009-07-20 18:21:33下载
  • ERP
    一个简单的企业进销存管理系统,对于新手学习c++builder很有帮助的,用的是BC++6.0,数据库是sql server 2000(Invoicing a simple enterprise management system, for novice to learn c++ builder helpful, using BC++6.0, the database is sql server 2000)
    2009-04-12 21:43:51下载
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