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于 2007-12-20 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  该源码是采用dspbuilder进行设计,目的是完成一个为随机m序列校验器,很有用看看就知道了(The source is dspbuilder design, the purpose is to complete a sequence of random m validator, useful look at the know)



0 个回复

  • gray
    网上找来的共享的资源,结合matlab和C对图像进行灰度形态学的变换,为进一步的处理做准备。(Online recruited to shared resources, combined with matlab and C of the image gray-scale morphology of the transformation, in preparation for further processing.)
    2009-12-18 12:45:13下载
  • 通信原理实验软件仿真实验tongyuan2
    通信原理实验软件仿真实验,包含: 单极性归零码(RZ)的波形及其功率谱。 单极性不归零码(NRZ)的波形及其功率谱。 一个完整的数字基带系统的仿真。 一份完整的报告和分析。 (Communications software simulation experiment, including: unipolar return-to-zero (RZ) waveform and its power spectrum. Unipolar non-return-to-zero (NRZ) waveform and its power spectrum. A complete digital baseband system simulation. A full report and analysis.)
    2020-07-05 13:28:58下载
  • matrix-tezhengzhijisuan
    说明:  通过求矩阵特征多项式的根来求其特征值 幂法求矩阵的主特征值及主特征向量 瑞利商加速幂法求对称矩阵的主特征值及主特征向量 收缩法求矩阵全部特征值 收缩法求矩阵全部特征值 位移逆幂法求矩阵离某个常数最近的特征值及其对应的特征向量 QR基本算法求矩阵全部特征值 (Characteristic polynomial by the root of a matrix to find the eigenvalues ​ ​ of a matrix power method and the main characteristics of the main features of the value of acceleration power vector Rayleigh quotient method Symmetric Matrix Eigenvalue and the main characteristics of the main vector of contraction method to shrink the value of all the characteristics of a matrix Law of the value of all the characteristics of a matrix inverse power law shift away from a constant of a matrix eigenvalue recently and its corresponding eigenvector matrix QR algorithm for getting all the characteristics of the basic values)
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