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于 2020-06-26 发布 文件大小:33KB
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  LTE下行共享信道PDSCH链路仿真代码,仿真已测试 没有问题 很全面(pdsch simulation )





0 个回复

  • ofdm_without_noise
    mfile investigates the generation, transmission and reception of the OFDM signal without channel noise or HPA effect
    2010-11-14 21:52:59下载
  • AHP
    层次分析法(AHP),可以用来对于选择学校选择职位之类的事情进行决策(Professor Satty proposed AHP)
    2009-05-29 20:28:20下载
  • Inverted-Pendulum
    This s a ebook about Inverted Pendulum
    2012-09-17 02:40:08下载
  • 灰色关联度分析及灰色预测--by 数协潘天宇
    灰色关联度分析及灰色预测,本函数是根据GM(1,1)模型所编写而成的,大致思想是: % 对于一些有噪声的数据,通过一次累加生成,使其变为较为有规律性的数据,通过对于该数据的预测从而实现对于原数据的预测。(Grey correlation analysis and grey prediction)
    2018-04-19 15:27:43下载
  • serialresinverter2
    proper inverter is simulated
    2012-05-17 23:57:20下载
  • rzwxd
    认知无线电周期检测,matlab部分程序,适合专业人员参考指导。(Cognitive radio cycle detection, part of the matlab program, suitable for professional reference guide.)
    2013-01-15 22:00:06下载
  • TSP
    根据混合粒子群算法原理,在MATLAB中编程实现基于粒子群算法的TSP搜索算法,给出了适应度函数,粒子初始化,交叉操作,变异操作,最后给出了仿真结果。有图可以看出,混合粒子群算法能够较快找到连接各个城市的最优路径,谢谢,希望能够给大家带来帮助。(According to the principle of hybrid particle swarm algorithm, programmed in MATLAB Based on Particle Swarm TSP search algorithm given fitness function, particle initialization, crossover and mutation operation. Finally, the simulation results. There can be seen, hybrid particle swarm algorithm can quickly find the optimal path to connect each city, thank you, hope to be able to give us help.)
    2021-04-27 15:58:44下载
  • dwt
    说明:  基于dwt的水印图像matlab代码,这是小波变换的经典算法(Dwt-based image watermarking matlab code, which is a classical algorithm for wavelet transform)
    2021-02-07 18:19:55下载
  • Report-Milad-Vahedi
    In this project an adaptive beamforming technique is proposed based on directly minimizing the BER1. A particular approach that has shown real promise in achieving substantial capacity enhancements is the use of adaptive antenna arrays. A beamformer appropriately combines the signals received by the different elements of an antenna array to form a single output. Classically, this has been achieved by minimizing the mean square error (MSE) between the desired output and the actual array output. It is demonstrated that minimum BER (MBER) approach utilizes the antenna array elements more intelligently than the standard MMSE2 approach, since it directly optimizes the system’s BER performance rather than minimizing the MSE, where the latter strategy often turns out to be deficient.
    2020-08-03 21:08:34下载
  • MUSIC-based-on-the-cumulant-
    MUSIC算法是基于天线阵列协方差矩阵的特征分解类DOA估计算法,这里给出的是基于四阶累计量的MUSIC算法。(MUSIC algorithm for DOA estimation algorithm is based on the decomposition characteristics of the antenna array covariance matrix given here is based on the fourth-order cumulant MUSIC algorithm.)
    2014-01-06 15:33:50下载
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