首页 » Visual C++ » zhangzhengyoucalibrate


于 2014-04-16 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  张正友的摄像机标定源代码,基于vc++和opencv的结合(Zhang Zhengyou camera calibration source code, based on a combination of vc++ and opencv)



0 个回复

  • modiGrid4
    Wrapper module for 10tec iGrid control (VB6 version) for Visual Basic 6.
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  • FPGA
    说明:  实现人脸识别,通过硬件FPGA来进行实现(Realize face recognition, realize face recognition by hardware FPGA)
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  • complex
    c++实现的复数类及其运算符,包括加减乘除等符号重载,包括复数与实数、复数与复数之间的各种运算。(class complex by C++)
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  • VB物流管理系统
    基于VB开发的物流管理系统,包括物流管理系统说明,源代码,是一份相当好的毕业论文或者设计(The logistics management system based on VB, including the description and source code of the logistics management system, is a quite good graduation thesis or design.)
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  • AutoUpdater
    通过客户端与服务器端文件对比,实现自动升级功能。(Through the client and server-side document comparison, automatic update feature.)
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  • winprodll
    动态链接库 (DLL) 是作为共享函数库的可执行文件。动态链接提供了一种方法,使进程可以调用不属于其可执行代码的函数。函数的可执行代码位于一个 DLL 中,该 DLL 包含一个或多个已被编译、链接并与使用它们的进程分开存储的函数。DLL 还有助于共享数据和资源。多个应用程序可同时访问内存中单个 DLL 副本的内容。 这是一个.CHM 格式的讲解DLL应用的文件,内容比较全。(The dynamic link library (DLL) is an executable file as a shared library. The dynamic link provides a way, so that the process can call a function that does not belong to the executable code. The executable code of the function is located in a DLL, the DLL contains one or more of the function has already been compiled, linked and are separated with the process using them stored.The DLL also helps to share data and resources. Multiple applications can access the contents of a single copy of the DLL in memory.This is the. CHM format, explain the the DLL application of the file, compare the whole content.)
    2012-11-28 09:13:41下载
  • 3dde
    3d demo c++ opengl demo (good 3d demo)
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  • exdec818
    vb-pCode反编译工具源代码,目标程序要采用pcode方式编译.(vb-pCode decompile tool for source code, object program to be used to compile pcode way.)
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  • Server
    windows网络编程的工程文件和源代码,主要讲iocp模型的用法,实现一个管理系统。(windows network programming project file and source code, mainly about the use of iocp model, implement a management system.)
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