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  这个程序主要是用来设计实现一个蒙特卡洛的算法 采用matlab设计 可以应用在随机搜索方面(This program is mainly used to design and implement a Monte Carlo algorithm using matlab design can be applied to random search and)





0 个回复

  • lsb_all
    用matlab实现对图片的lsb算法的嵌入和提取,嵌入和提取方便简便,易懂。效率高(Using matlab to achieve the picture of the lsb embedding and extraction algorithms, embedding and extraction is simple convenient, easy to understand. High efficiency)
    2011-08-01 10:05:41下载
  • robotique
    bras manipulateur d un robot
    2013-03-10 19:23:58下载
  • GradientAdaptiveLaguerreLatticeFilter
    Gradient Adaptive Laguerre Lattice Filter( Description: Implements the order recursive adaptive laguerre filter from Fejzo and Lev-Ari (1997). Advantages: *Fewer parameter to model than FIR filters modeling long impulse responses *guaranteed stability, unique global minimum, small number of parameter for prescribed modelling error *numerically robust & and low computational complexity ( O(M) ). *Fast convergence (RLS equivalent) with no apriori learning rate required *Order recursive, so filter coefficients are uncorrelated with each other, allowing for modular implementation. Setting the pole parameter to 0 yields the standard classical gradient adaptive FIR algorithm. Includes simple example on cross-talk resistant echo cancellation to show how to use it. )
    2009-11-19 11:49:44下载
  • matlab_ch1
    good matlab textbook, very good!!!
    2012-06-16 00:40:28下载
  • computer-trap-
    matlab 计算定积分,知道一个概率密度,可以知道怎么画出来。(matlab computing definite integral, know a probability density, you can know how to draw it.)
    2014-09-29 14:25:19下载
  • Desktop
    说明:  通过matlab设计的GUI界面实现语音信号的实时录入和频谱分析和滤波等处理,并能够显示各阶段时域波形及频谱图,滤波器种类及参数可调(Through the GUI interface designed by matlab, the real-time input of speech signal, spectrum analysis and filtering are realized, and the time-domain waveforms and spectrograms of each stage can be displayed, and the types and parameters of filters can be adjusted.)
    2019-06-28 08:58:53下载
  • matlabforpso
    matlab实现pso算法 大家看看把 看看能不能用 互相学习(Matlab achieve pso algorithm we can look at the decision to learn from each other can not be used)
    2007-03-26 17:19:45下载
  • sEMG-Based-on-permutation-entropy
    针对表面肌电信号的混沌特征、噪声强等特点,该文提出了基于排列组合熵的表面肌电信号特征分析方法(The chaotic characteristics of the surface EMG signal and noise characteristics, this paper proposes a sEMG analysis method based on permutation entropy)
    2012-03-14 10:31:22下载
    说明:   通过在MA TLAB 图形窗口中加入菜单及控制, 实现直接对窗口对象的操作, 建立了一个 适合用户需要的语音分析处理平台, 并给出了一般的设计方法.(MA TLAB graphics window by adding menus and control, the direct operation of the window object, the establishment of a voice suited to user needs analysis and processing platform, Further calculation and analyzation of the design Fangfa.)
    2010-04-24 15:20:07下载
  • Newton
    说明:  用牛顿下山法求解方程:下山因子在计算过程中可以变动,一般选择下山因子时从1开始,逐次将减半进行试算,直到能使下降条件成立为止。若当计算到某步时取不到满足要求的值(或值小到无法容忍),这时称“下山失败”,需要另取初值重新算起。(Descent method with Newton' s equation: down factor in the calculation process can change, usually selected from the 1 start down factor, will be halved for successive spreadsheet until the can down the conditions established. If when calculating the time to take a step not meet the requirements of the value (or values ??too small to tolerate), then the &quot down failed&quot , you need an alternative initial re-counting.)
    2011-03-16 16:54:30下载
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