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于 2014-05-04 发布 文件大小:296KB
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  类似simulink的小程序,在网上找到的,希望对大家有用。。(Similar simulink small program, found on the Internet, we want to be useful. .)



0 个回复

  • 897650
    种基于VB6.0开发的可进行瓦斯监测并报警的友好界面。该界面通过串行通信方式接收各种瓦斯报警器采集的数据。(Species can be developed based on VB6.0 gas monitoring and alarm-friendly interface. The serial communication interface to receive a variety of gas alarm, the data collected.)
    2011-05-23 21:32:47下载
  • VCMatlab
    VC++和 Matlab 的 混 合 编 程 具 有 很 大 的 实际意义。 文 讨 论 了如何 使 用 Matlab 的 Complier 将 *.m 函 数 编 译 为 动 态 链 接 库 DLL, 提 供 给 VC++调 用 的 方 法,提 供 了 一 种 VC++与 Matlab 混合编程的 快 速 实 现 。(The mixed programming of VC++ and Matlab has great practical significance. This paper discusses how to use COMplier of MATLAB to compile *. m function into DLL of dynamic link library and provide a method for calling VC++. It also provides a fast realization of mixed programming between VC++ and MATLAB.)
    2018-12-01 15:31:19下载
  • IR_Trainning_DOC
    Philips RC-5/6协议 Philips RC-MM协议 红外编码格式17- Toshiba TC9148P  NEC协议 经本人翻译为中文版本的,很好的开发档案,值得下载!(Philips RC-5/6 Philips RC-MM protocol agreement infrared code format 17- Toshiba TC9148P NEC protocol for the Chinese version translated by me, the good development of the file, it is worth downloading!)
    2010-10-07 17:23:32下载
  • jiugongwenti
    (九宫问题)在一个3×3的九宫中有1-8这8个数及一个空格随机的摆放在其中的格子里,如图1-1所示。现在要求实现这个问题:将该九宫格调整为如图1-1右图所示的形式。调整的规则是:每次只能将与空格(上、下、或左、右)相邻的一个数字平移到空格中。试编程实现这一问题的求解。((Nine-palace issues) in a 3 × 3 of the Nine-palace are 1-8 this 8 random number and the placing of a space in which the cell house, as shown in Figure 1-1. Now required to achieve this issue: the squares adjustment for the right as shown in Figure 1-1 form. Adjustment of the rules: each can only be with the spaces (upper and lower, or left, right) adjacent to a digital flat space. Test Programming to solve this problem.)
    2008-12-25 22:07:50下载
  • STK-develop
    SIM卡为表示能够执行proactive command且支持SAT,它必须在文件EFphaseTKG EFsst中有相关数据。 Phase文件指的是SIM卡所支持的GSM标准的级数,值为3则指SIM卡支持GSM phase 2和设置下传功能(profile download)。SST文件包含支持哪些GSM性能的准确信息。(SIM card that can support the implementation of proactive command and the SAT, it must file EFphaseTKG EFsst have relevant data. Phase document refers to the SIM card supports the GSM standard series, a value of 3 means the SIM card supports the GSM phase 2 and settings transfer function (profile download). SST file which contains support for GSM performance of accurate information.)
    2011-06-16 12:44:25下载
  • VoIP
    这个是华为的VoIP文档,讲述清晰,值得阅读!(This is Huawei' s VoIP documents, about clarity, it is worth reading!)
    2009-12-06 16:01:08下载
  • ch03
    杨建国老师的通讯原理课件,第三章模拟信号的调制与解调,主要讲述信号产生与调制,射频特性,解调,MSK、GMSK、PSK、QPSK、BPSK、QAM等原理(Yang Jianguo teacher communication principles of courseware, the third chapter of the analog signal modulation and demodulation, and focuses on the signal generation and modulation, the RF characteristics, demodulation, MSK, GMSK, PSK, QPSK, as BPSK, QAM and other principles of)
    2012-06-12 10:45:39下载
  • n428
    GSM reading book in the would
    2018-01-11 20:53:23下载
  • Frequencyconversion
    说明:  变频器使用手册 MM440使用手册 西门子通用变频器应用实例手册(Inverter Manual Manual Siemens MM440 Inverter Application Manual Universal)
    2010-04-09 14:46:36下载
  • IEC103
    2007-09-19 17:34:02下载
  • 696532资源总数
  • 103702会员总数
  • 113今日下载