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于 2009-03-19 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  用Simulink搭建的直接序列扩频(DS-SS)系统仿真模型,仿真结果比较理想。(A simulation on DS-Spread Spectrum communication system based on Simulink toolbox.)


DS_Spread Spectrum.mdl



0 个回复

  • Navigator
    A step-bye-step user navigation on a spatial network using Dijkstra algorithm is presented in this document. User can define the start and destination points to navigate.
    2010-03-12 21:12:21下载
  • example1
    不确定线性脉冲控制系统的程序,例子和程序都在压缩包里面。(Uncertain linear pulse control system procedures , examples and procedures are in the compressed packets inside .)
    2013-07-18 22:10:12下载
  • matlab_figure_process
    很详细地介绍了matlab在图像处理中的应用,其中有车牌号的识别,染色体的识别等,还有文档说明,精心整理的,希望和大家分享!(Very detailed description of the matlab in image processing applications, including license plate number recognition, chromosome identification, as well as documentation and careful finishing, and would like to share!)
    2009-12-24 08:53:34下载
  • DSPfir
    这是一个综合性的仿真程序。包括:用matlab生成一个FIR滤波器,得到滤波器系数及阶数;再用C语言产生一个混合频率的数字信号,之后将生成的数据样点送入到DSP主程序进行数字滤波,DSP主程序算法用的是循环缓冲区算法,这一部分在CCS上实现。(This is a comprehensive simulation program. Comprising: generating a matlab FIR filter, to obtain the filter coefficients and order then mixed to produce a C-frequency digital signal, and then the resulting data samples into the main program to the DSP for digital filtering, DSP main algorithm using a circular buffer algorithm, this part of the CCS to achieve.)
    2013-09-15 21:16:30下载
  • MATLABprogramdesignbook
    matlab的电子教程,帮助大家学习matlab(matlab electronic tutorials to help everyone learn matlab)
    2008-05-21 21:15:00下载
  • RVM
    关联向量机的硕士博士论文,关联向量机是支持向量机的发展,开发工具主要是matlab(Associated with the master s thesis vector machines, relevance vector machine is the development of support vector machines, development tools, mainly matlab )
    2012-01-10 12:12:00下载
  • refrIndex
    encryption for an optical fiber drpe
    2012-01-15 22:49:31下载
  • nCC-matlab-
    NCC算法的matlab的实现,代码简单易懂,只是运行时间稍长。(NCC algorithm matlab implementation, the code is simple to understand, just run a little longer.)
    2020-11-12 21:49:45下载
  • xihua3
    在MATLAB环境下的一组汉字识别算法程序,忘能给MATLAB爱好者带来一定的帮助(In the MATLAB environment, a group of Chinese character recognition algorithm program MATLAB enthusiasts forget to give some help)
    2010-05-17 00:05:09下载
  • Multilabel-Image-Classification-via-High
    Four crucial issues are considered by the proposed HoAL: 1) unlike binary cases, the selection granularity for multilabel active learning need to be fined from example to examplelabel pair 2) different labels are seldom independent, and label correlations provide critical information for efficient learning 3) in addition to pair-wise label correlations, high-order label correlations are also informative for multilabel active learning and 4) since the number of label combinations increases exponentially with respect to the number of labels, an efficient mining method is required to discover informative label correlations
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