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于 2010-08-20 发布 文件大小:29KB
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  Alamouti code simulation and comparison to the classical mrrc



0 个回复

  • M_saki_matlab_Project_Image_processing
    M_saki_matlab_Project_Image_processing..... this file contains usefule materials about M_saki_matlab_Project_Image_processing
    2009-12-30 01:09:57下载
  • GAB
    非线性遗传算法的典型实例 基于matlab进行仿真实现的典型实例(Typical example of a typical example of nonlinear genetic algorithm based on Matlab Simulation)
    2013-05-16 20:37:05下载
  • zhongzhilvbo
    使用MATLAB对数字信号进行中值滤波,尤其可以对图像进行滤波处理(Use MATLAB digital signal filtering, in particular, the image can be filtered)
    2014-02-22 17:48:25下载
  • Sgolay_test
    用matlab编写的savitzky-Golay曲线平滑滤波函数(savitzky-Golay smoothing function developed by matlab)
    2015-12-17 14:27:32下载
  • xbft_music
    仿真波束宽度和经典music算法最小分辨角度,从而计算锐化比(Simulation beam width and angle of the classical music minimum resolution algorithm to calculate the ratio of sharpening)
    2014-08-22 16:39:20下载
  • ADRC
    本程序中仿真了关于ADRC的一些基本例子仿真,并说明了ADRC的一些基本优点和好处(In this program the simulation about some basic examples of ADRC simulation, and explained some of the advantages and benefits of ADRC)
    2014-12-19 11:01:34下载
  • mas
    inducation motor simulation
    2015-04-03 23:58:24下载
  • bearingcodes1
    bearing fault matlab codes
    2014-02-13 11:57:09下载
  • 1
    说明:  主要是针对matlab编程的14个案例; 案例1:一般区域二重、三重积分; 案例2:被积函数含有积分项的一类积分; 案例3:一般区域n重积分; 案例4:蒙特卡洛法计算n重积分; 案例5:第二类Fredholm积分方程; 案例6:第一类Fredholm积分方程; 案例7:第二类Volterra积分方程; 案例8:第一类Volterra积分方程; 案例9:全局优化; 案例10:fsolve求非线性方程组; 案例11:渐变光波求导; 案例12:遗传算法在复杂系统可靠度和冗余度分配优化; 案例13:遗传算法在车间设备布局优化; 案例14:应用Benders分解算法求解混合0-1规划;(Mainly for 14 cases of MATLAB programming; Case 1: General Regional double and three integral; Case 2: a class of integral functions containing integral terms; Case 3: General Regional N multiple integrals; Case 4: Monte Carlo method to calculate the N multiple integral; Case 5: Fredholm integral equations of the second kind; Case 6: Fredholm integral equations of the first kind; Case 7: Volterra integral equations of the second kind; Case 8: Volterra integral equations of the first kind; Case 9: Global optimization; Case 10:fsolve for nonlinear equations; Case 11: gradual wave derivative; Case 12: genetic algorithm for reliability and redundancy allocation optimization in complex systems; Case 13: genetic algorithm in workshop equipment layout optimization; Case 14: applying Benders decomposition algorithm to solve mixed 0-1 programming;)
    2017-08-20 21:28:43下载
  • ISO-16609
    ISO-16609-- 银行业务.使用对称技术的消息鉴别要求(ISO-16609- banking business. Message Authentication using symmetric techniques required)
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  • 696524资源总数
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  • 43今日下载