首页 » Delphi » AviWriter_2


于 2014-05-16 发布 文件大小:1300KB
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  包括JPG图像生成AVI动画播放,WAV视频播放,各种声音控制及动画播放(Including the JPG image to generate AVI animation, WAV video playback, voice control and animation playback)



0 个回复

  • CSpectrumAnalyzer_demo
    这个demo是对频谱进行分析的 可以实时的现实频谱曲线(This demo is a spectrum analysis of the realities of real-time spectrum curve)
    2008-03-20 13:16:51下载
    Fast Prediction Compensated Multiple Description Coding for JPEG 2000 The prediction compensated multiple description coding described in the following papers is implemented by modifying the OpenJPEG version of the JPEG 2000 standard: J. Wang, and J. Liang, "Filter banks for prediction-compensated multiple description coding,?submitted to IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Sept. 2007. Revised: Aug. 2008. PDF J. Wang, and J. Liang, "Filter Banks for Prediction-Compensated Multiple Description Coding," accepted, 2008 Data Compression Conference, Snowbird, Utah, Mar. 2008. PDF http://www.ensc.sfu.ca/~jiel/
    2009-06-17 21:01:05下载
  • g
    说明:  高速CCD视频摄像机的设计与研究探讨-郭旭平(High-speed CCD video camera design study- Guo Xuping)
    2013-03-19 11:05:51下载
  • 643574685
    VB多光驱智能检测的CD播放机,有需要的就下载吧。(VB drive more intelligent detection of CD player, has the need to download it.)
    2013-08-17 12:11:01下载
  • CPPmusicplayer
    一款简单的VC++6.0编程MP3音乐播放器,附带源码已经工程文件。(A simple VC++6.0 programming an MP3 music player, already works with source files.)
    2014-01-05 14:23:43下载
  • MyPlay
    C# 播放器源码 自己写的,实现基本功能的播放器(C# source code to write their own player, to achieve the basic functions of the player)
    2013-07-16 23:29:34下载
  • PlayerBak
    C#编写的功能播放器。是别人的写的。但很好用,实现了许多格式的播放。(Functions written in C# player. Was written by someone else. However, useful, to achieve a number of formats playback.)
    2010-03-15 09:14:03下载
  • MyPlayerOne
    用eclipse写的简单的android音频播放器,功能单一,适合初学者。(With eclipse android do a simple audio player, feature simple, suitable for beginners.)
    2020-11-21 10:49:36下载
  • MTVxpV1.0
    修改风云娱乐MTV程序xp V2.0而来,修正了后台不能显示下一页的错误!修改注册必须选头像才能注册,修正了注册登录后,不显示头相图片的错误,改进了播放器不能播放的错误,并且取消了必须注册会员才能观看的限制 管理员:小艺 密码:admin(To amend the situation entertainment MTV program XP v2.0 and, amendments to the background can not display the next page error! Modification registration must be chosen avatar to register, corrected for the register and login, do not show head picture errors, improved the player cannot play the error, and the abolition of the restrictions must be registered members can watch the Admin: little art Password: admin)
    2016-03-14 20:22:32下载
  • cryptix32
    jar cryptix32 para encriptar
    2009-07-17 16:58:26下载
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