首页 » Visual Basic » VBzRGB


于 2015-08-23 发布 文件大小:58KB
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  本应用可以将RGB颜色转换为VB专用的十六进制代码或WEB专用的十六进制代码,包含代码和已编译的EXE文件。(This application can convert RGB color to VB for hexadecimal code or WEB for hexadecimal code, contain code and the compiled EXE file. )



0 个回复

  • dizi-data
    各种图像处理算法集合,包括灰度、滤波等,已调试,可用。(Collection of a variety of image processing algorithms, including grayscale, filtering, etc.)
    2013-04-21 20:54:48下载
  • 28_REVIEW
    Image enhancement is a processing on an image in order to make it more appropriate for certain applications. It is used to improve the visual effects and the clarity of image or to make the original image more conducive for computer to process. Contrast enhancement changing the pixels intensity of the input image to utilize maximum possible bins. We need to study and review the different image contrast enhancement techniques because contrast
    2016-04-22 20:49:34下载
  • kalman_filter
    卡尔曼滤波算法,opencv代码,鼠标跟踪(Kalman filter algorithm, opencv code, mouse tracking)
    2016-04-19 15:45:48下载
  • VC-PH
    球面坐标定位法校正鱼眼图像畸变,使用visual studio 2008 编写,需要OpenCV的支持(Spherical coordinates locating fish eye image distortion correction, prepared using visual studio 2008, requires the support of OpenCV)
    2010-05-15 11:42:48下载
  • imagematch
    图像匹配程序,原理清晰,算法明确,功能全面(Image matching procedures, the principle of clarity, the algorithm clear, full-featured)
    2008-02-18 13:57:05下载
  • Sobel-and-Prewitt-edge-detection-and-robert
    Image processing using sobel operator
    2012-05-26 02:04:51下载
  • 06
    说明:  图像形态学处理,图像腐蚀,图像膨胀,图像细化,边缘检测(Morphological image processing, image corrosion, image expansion, image thinning, edge detection)
    2009-05-23 21:05:57下载
  • Visual.Assist.X.v10.5.1715.0
    本文针对多光谱图像配准中不同光谱图像间存在较大的灰度差异、同一景物在不同波段表现的特征也各不相同等问题,提出了基于互信息相似性测度的多光谱图像配准算法。(In this paper, multi-spectral image registration between different spectral image there is a big difference in gray scale, the same scene in different bands performance characteristics are different questions, we present a similarity measure based on mutual information of multi-spectral image registration algorithm .)
    2010-09-07 11:54:35下载
  • FaceDetection
    该程序可以将一附图片中的人的脸部轮廓检测出来,以作后续处理。(The program can be attached to a film of people' s facial contours detected for follow-up.)
    2009-05-12 17:00:32下载
  • SuperResolution
    这是一个关于图像处理的程序,能够将像素比较低的图像变成分辨率高的图像.(This is a matter of image processing procedures, can be relatively low-pixel high resolution image into the image.)
    2009-04-11 11:53:05下载
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