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  matlab inverter example



0 个回复

  • fano
    设有离散无记忆信源X,P(X).二进制费诺编码为:1.将信源符号按概率从大到小的顺序排列2.将信源分成两组――按两组概率之差为最小分.3.上面一组编码为0,下面一组编码为1,一直分到一组只有一个信源为止.4.将一个信源分组得到的0和1全部连接起来,组成该信源的码字,信源即得到自己的费诺编码.(There be no X remembering the message source in case that having being scattered, binary Feinuo of P (X) code is: 1. Will believe that the source sign orders 2 according to probability is minor from arriving at greatly sequence. Will believe that the source divides into two part being allotted 3 according to two set of bad of probability for the minimum. A group of code is 0 above , a group of code is 1 underneath, till dividing till a group only when one believes a source 4. Get up with a 0 and 1 all connection believing that the source is divided into groups and , be composed of the codon owing message a source , believe that the source is to get self Feinuo code Powered )
    2009-11-27 12:04:44下载
  • montecarlo
    蒙特·卡罗方法(Monte Carlo method),也称统计模拟方法,是二十世纪四十年代中期由于科学技术的发展和电子计算机的发明,而被提出的一种以概率统计理论为指导的一类非常重要的数值计算方法。是指使用随机数(或更常见的伪随机数)来解决很多计算问题的方法。与它对应的是确定性算法。蒙特·卡罗方法在金融工程学,宏观经济学,计算物理学(如粒子输运计算、量子热力学计算、空气动力学计算)等领域应用广泛。(The Monte Carlo method, also known as the statistical simulation method, was proposed in the mid-1940s due to the development of science and technology and the invention of electronic computers. A very important numerical calculation method for classes. Refers to the use of random numbers (or more common pseudo-random numbers) to solve many computational problems. Corresponding to it is a deterministic algorithm. The Monte Carlo method is widely used in financial engineering, macroeconomics, computational physics (such as particle transport calculation, quantum thermodynamics calculation, aerodynamic calculation).)
    2020-12-22 21:49:07下载
  • LBM-flow-around-circular-cylinder-
    基于matlab语言的格子玻尔兹曼方法的圆柱绕流程序,直接在matlab里运行就可以得到相应的结果了(Based on the matlab language Lattice Boltzmann flow around a circular cylinder procedures run directly in matlab can get the corresponding results of the)
    2013-10-31 16:34:49下载
  • matlab2
    用matlab编程做的《有限元法基础与程序设计》第二章的例子 方法三(FEA matlab )
    2013-10-11 20:14:57下载
  • fastICA
    基于独立变量分析的快速ICA算法分离母体与胎儿心电信号(Based on independent analysis of the fast ICA algorithm variable maternal and fetal ECG separation)
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  • nihe_youhua3
    matlab 代码,主要用于抛光轨迹的优化,计算个点磨粒的经过次数(matlab code, mainly used for polishing the optimal trajectory, after calculating the number of abrasive points)
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  • QPSK-I-Q
    matlab仿真程序,产生QPSK调制的信号,严格按照QPSK的调制步骤分I路Q路产生信号,最后两路相加,产生已调信号,调制信号随机产生,载波信号是余弦信号。(matlab simulation program to produce the QPSK modulation signal, in strict accordance with the QPSK modulation of the sub-step road Q road I have a signal, the sum of the last two, have been transferred signal, randomly generated modulated signal, carrier signal is a cosine signal.)
    2009-04-02 15:14:23下载
  • HoweBinarization
    it is meant for binarization of text documents
    2014-08-10 10:50:28下载
  • read_gdf
    the program based on particle filter for a new algorithm, Integrated Bayesian MCMC Model Selection MONTE CARLO that Ma Erkefu chain
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  • matrax
    matlab频谱分析 很有用(matlab spectrum analysis is useful)
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