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于 2014-07-10 发布 文件大小:21556KB
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  频谱仪控制源代码,有VB VC 和 LABVIEW,运行正确,仅供参考(Spectrum analyzer control source code, VB VC and LABVIEW, run correctly, for reference)


....\Demo - Programming DSA1000
....\...........................\.......\DemoForDSA LV86.vi,16115,2010-01-26

....\Demo - Programming DSA1000A
....\............................\.......\DemoForDSA LV86.vi,16115,2010-01-26



0 个回复

  • CoolPicture
    基于BREW 2.0 开发的手机图片下载程序,在多款手机上通过测试,是学习BREW网络编程的好的范例。把解压后的文件夹作为BREW模拟器的运行目录即可运行。 (based on the BREW 2.0 development of the mobile phone download pictures, in assorted phone test BREW is learning network programming of good examples. Put the extracted files folder as BREW Simulator directory can be run.)
    2007-03-24 21:08:42下载
  • VT_X64(VT 支持x64的源码)
    说明:  开启VT保护模式,保护自己的进程不被其它进程访问(Turn on VT protection mode)
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  • 6
    说明:  用 Visual Basic 来实现一个新颖的拖放功能(To use Visual Basic to implement a new drag and drop functionality)
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  • chatsystem
    实现网络聊天,用VB.NET编写的,就和QQ一样的一个聊天程序,很不错的啊,我们课程设计时做的!(Network chat, prepared using VB.NET, it and QQ like a chat program, it is good, ah, we design courses to do!)
    2009-05-23 16:17:54下载
  • 串口加调试助手加串口模拟
    自己整合的,可直接下载调试使用,傻瓜式文件一体包。(Integration of their own, can be downloaded directly debugging use, fool file integrated package.)
    2017-10-16 17:28:33下载
  • SSE
    用于计算空气动力学求解激波间断,SSE格式(Used for calculating the aerodynamic solver of shock discontinuity,SSE format)
    2018-02-05 17:24:59下载
  • testZeroMQ
    内含简单项目代码及ZeroMQ使用教程,资源适合初学者,可以满足快速入门要求 下载ZeroMQ 下载网址:http://zeromq.org/intro:get-the-software 点击“Windows sources”下载zeromq-4.0.3.zip文件 编译ZeroMQ库文件 解压zeromq-4.0.3.zip文件,进入buildsmsvc目录,用VS打开*.sln工程文件,编译生成解决方案。编译完成后,会在lib目录下生成dll和lib文件 编写简单的测试工程 1.用VS新建2个项目,一个是server端,一个是client端 2.将ZeroMQ源码项目的include目录下的两个文件“zmq.h”,“zmq_utils.h”拷贝至自己新建的工程 3.将ZeroMQ源码项目的lib目录下的两个文件“libzmq.dll”,“libzmq.lib”拷贝至自己新建的工程 4.将文件“zmq.h”,“zmq_utils.h”和“libzmq.lib”添加进自己新建的项目。(ZeroMQ simple project containing the code and tutorials, resources for beginners, to meet the requirements of the Quick Start Download ZeroMQ Download URL: http://zeromq.org/intro:get-the-software Click " Windows sources" download zeromq-4.0. 3.zip ZeroMQ library files compiled zeromq-4.0.3.zip unzip the file, enter builds msvc directory, with VS open*. sln project file, the compiler generates solutions. After the compilation is complete, it will generate dll and lib files in the lib directory to write a simple test project. Using VS New two projects, one is server-side, is a client-side two would both include directories ZeroMQ source project under File " zmq.h" , " zmq_utils.h" copy to their new project 3 would be two files ZeroMQ source project lib directory under " libzmq.dll" , " libzmq.lib" copy to their new project 4 would file " zmq.h" , " zmq_utils.h" and " libzmq.lib" added to their new projects.)
    2014-02-19 08:43:26下载
  • Computer-Networks-and-Internets
    这是一个用c++编写的,socket API 的服务器端和客户端的相互响应的简单程序.用cmd打开程序exe,输入“webserver + 端口号”,webclient方面,输入“webclient + + 端口号5600”,则可以在客户端上显示接收到的信息。(This is a c++ written in response to a simple procedure of mutual socket API server and client' s Open Program exe, enter " webserver+ port number" , webclient, the input " webclient+ port number 5600 with cmd " you can display the information received on the client.)
    2013-12-27 21:41:43下载
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