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于 2015-11-09 发布 文件大小:31KB
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  PHP+Excel多用途查询系统1项通用版【无需后台】 V 5.5_PM1X首次发布PHP+Excel,使用的是PHPexcel查询Excel,测试可用,可能速度偏慢(千条数据无影响) 适合手机、平板、电脑访问的页面,体积极小省流量,希望大家喜欢。。 直接查询Excel数据的第一个表,修改表格后FTP上传,快速搞定,非常方便。(PHP+Excel multi purpose query system 1 general version of the no background 5.5_PM1X V for the first time released PHP+Excel, using the PHPexcel query Excel, the test is available, may be slow (no effect of the thousand data). Suitable for mobile phones, tablet, computer access to the page, the volume of small provincial traffic, I hope you like.. Directly query the first Excel data table, modify the table after the FTP upload, quick fix, very convenient.)



0 个回复

  • BZfangwu
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