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于 2009-10-03 发布 文件大小:208KB
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  delphi通用外挂框架 以DLL窗口注入+热键呼出 其实编程的人都知道 游戏辅助软件有个功能,启用后能在指定游戏内 弹出一个设置窗口 而这个外挂框架的功能也是如此,启用后能在特定的游戏 通过按指定热键 如(按Home)或者F12之类的 呼出设置窗口 (delphi common framework for the DLL plug-in window+ hotkey exhaled into the program who actually know the game supporting software has a function, after the opening of the designated game in a pop-up window and this plug-in framework to set the function as well, after the opening can be in a particular game by pressing the designated hot key, such as (according to Home), or F12 to set the window sort of exhale)



0 个回复

  • V5.4
    完美命运II魔法飞人回点挂机脚本源码,方便新人挂机使用(Perfect Destiny II Magic trapeze hook script back to point source)
    2013-09-13 14:25:16下载
  • CE
    CE游戏修改器(Cheat Engine)让游戏通关变得更容易,Cheat Engine是一款内存修改编辑工具 ,它允许你修改你的游戏或软件内存数据,以得到一些其他功能。它包括16进制编辑,反汇编程序,内存查找工具。与同类修改工具相比,它具有强大的反汇编功能,且自身附带了外挂制作工具,可以用它直接生成外挂。(CE changes for the game (Cheat Engine) make the game easier, Cheat Engine is a memory editing tool, which allows you to modify your game or software memory data, in order to get some other functions. It includes 16 hex editor, disassembler, memory search tool. Compared with the similar modification tool, it has powerful anti compilation function, and its attached plug production tools, can be directly generated by the plug-in.)
    2014-02-25 22:55:10下载
  • x64注入源码
    说明:  这是一份能把64位的DLL远程线程注入到x64进程的源码(x64 injection DLL source code)
    2020-07-01 10:00:01下载
  • wl
    武林外挂源码,找了很久,有需要的自已下!(Wulin plug-in source)
    2009-03-21 15:24:00下载
  • TCPhit
    WINDOW的打孔程序源代码,还有作者的说明,不错,想做病毒、外挂的学学,教你怎么样穿透防火墙(WINDOW perforated the source code, as well as the author s note, yes, we want to do viruses, plug-in to learn, teach you how to penetrate the firewall)
    2007-11-29 16:27:01下载
  • dnf
    用易语言写的dnf外挂源代码,之前用在日服务上很稳定的挂,首次发布出来,有兴趣的朋友可以参考一下,功能非常全(Written in easy language DNF plug-in source code, before the use of hanging is very stable in the day of service, the first release, friends who are interested can refer to, features a very full )
    2015-04-21 21:05:28下载
  • dgfdrtrrrr
    江湖游戏物品统计程序增强版,江湖游戏物品统计程序增强版(Arena-game items enhanced statistical procedures)
    2011-06-17 15:25:25下载
  • 1.60全功能免费辅助
    刷帮清包宠物法宝挖宝切糕元宝荣丹改造一切俱全(Brushing and cleaning up pet magic treasures, digging and cutting cakes, Yuanbao Rongdan, renovating everything)
    2021-02-10 00:09:53下载
  • RXJH
    热血江湖私服游戏登录工具可以简单的解决上号问题(Rèxuè jiānghú sīfú yóuxì dēnglù gōngjù kěyǐ jiǎndān de jiějué shàng hào wèntí)
    2017-02-23 17:11:22下载
  • IDVB
    有关武林外传的vb辅助,id选怪用的,源码放出,可以自己更新(Legend of Martial Arts vb auxiliary, id blame the election with the source code release, you can update)
    2012-09-14 18:28:22下载
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