首页 » matlab » 指纹定位算法仿真代码


于 2018-04-01 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  基于rssi的室内定位算法,NN,KNN,WKNN及贝叶斯算法的对比。(The indoor location algorithm based on RSSI is compared with NN, KNN, WKNN and Bayes algorithm.)


指纹定位算法仿真代码\FingerLocFun.m, 5042 , 2014-05-03
指纹定位算法仿真代码\New Folder, 0 , 2018-04-01
指纹定位算法仿真代码\ReceivePowerFun.m, 482 , 2014-05-03
指纹定位算法仿真代码\main.asv, 5404 , 2014-12-03
指纹定位算法仿真代码\main.m, 5462 , 2018-03-26
指纹定位算法仿真代码\mainquan.m, 5635 , 2018-03-27
指纹定位算法仿真代码, 0 , 2018-03-26



0 个回复

  • wenzibilifenxi
    对一篇文章中的文字进行比例分析并能求出出现频率最多的字。(Of an article in the proportion of text analysis and to derive a maximum frequency of occurrence of the word.)
    2007-09-15 00:15:01下载
  • remove
    Artifact removal by cross correlation
    2010-08-27 17:26:55下载
  • lvchenglinnlms
    这里主要对LMS算法及一些改进的LMS算法(NLMS算法、变步长LMS算法、变换域LMS算法)之间的不同点进行了比较,在传统的LMS算法的基础上发展了LMS算法的应用。另一方面又从RLS算法的分析中对其与LMS算法的不同特性进行了比较,很值得研究!(The key players here and some of the LMS algorithm is an improved LMS algorithm (NLMS algorithm, variable step size LMS algorithm, transform domain LMS algorithm) the differences between the points of comparison, in the traditional LMS algorithm is developed on the basis of the LMS algorithm applications. On the other hand and from the analysis of RLS algorithm and LMS algorithm for its different characteristics were compared, it is worth studying!)
    2009-11-12 10:01:18下载
  • 11
    说明:  线性调频信号的产生及频谱分析并画出频谱图(Linear FM signal spectrum analysis)
    2011-03-17 19:16:14下载
  • Maltab-shuxuejianmo
    matlab在数学建模中的应用,有许多有用的算法,可以帮助需要参加数学建模工作的人快速建立模型并求解(matlab mathematical modeling, there are many useful algorithms, people need to participate in the mathematical modeling can help to quickly build the model and solving)
    2012-03-22 10:31:25下载
    传统的宽带信号中抑制正弦干扰的方法是采用陷波器(notch filter),为此需要精确知道干扰正弦的频率.然而当干扰正弦频率是缓慢变化时,且选频率特性要求十分尖锐时,则最好采用自适应噪声抵消的方法.下图是用一个二阶FIR的LMS自适应滤波器消除正弦干扰的一个方案。该代码实现了以下功能: 1) 借助MATLAB画出了滤波器的误差性能曲面和误差性能曲面的等值曲线; 2) 给出了最陡下降法以及LMS算法的计算公式; 3) 用MATLAB产生了方差为0.05, 均值为0白噪音S(n),并画出某次采样得到的波形; 4) 根据 2)中的公式,并利用 3)中产生的S(n),在 1)中的误差性能曲面的等值曲线上叠加画出了采用最陡下降法以及LMS法时H(n)的在叠代过程中的轨迹曲线; 5)用MATLAB计算并画出了LMS法时误差随时间n的变化曲线(对应S(n)的某一次的一次实现)和e(n)波形; 6)在 1)中的误差性能曲面的等值曲线上,叠加画出采用LMS法得到的100次实验中的H(n)的平均值的轨迹曲线; 7)最终对结果进行了分析,具体见压缩包的word文档。 (Wideband signal in the conventional sinusoidal interference suppression method is the use notch filter (notch filter), this requires precise knowledge of the frequency of a sinusoidal interference . However, when the interference frequency sinusoidal changes slowly , and the selected frequency characteristic requirements are very sharp , then best use of adaptive noise cancellation method . following figure is a second-order FIR LMS adaptive filter to eliminate a program sinusoidal interference . The code implements the following functions:   A ) draw with MATLAB error performance of the filter surface and the surface contour error performance curve 2 ) gives the steepest descent method and the LMS algorithm formula 3 ) generated using MATLAB variance of 0.05 with a mean of 0 white noise S (n), and draw a particular sampling waveform 4 ) based on 2 ) of the formula , and use 3 ) generated in S (n), in a ) the error performance curves superimposed on the surface contour pl)
    2013-11-06 13:12:36下载
  • 35246565Adaboost_LPR_Matlab_080910
    adaboost工具箱,可以运行,初学者过来看看。(adaboost toolbox, you can run, beginners come to see.)
    2013-10-16 10:30:03下载
  • LMS_RLS_xitongshibie
    RLS算法和LMS算法在系统识别中的应用(RLS algorithm and the LMS algorithm in system identification application )
    2011-12-23 17:15:19下载
  • matlablogo
    matlab图表,matlab代码源码,是matlab自带的code(matlab logo code)
    2011-12-23 17:41:02下载
  • Les-distribution-code
    无限衰落信道仿真分析 莱斯分布代码莱斯分布实际上可以理解为主信号与服从瑞利分布的多径信号分量的和。由图可知当保持不变时包络的峰值随主信号幅度的峰值的增加而减小。(Simulation analysis of infinite fading channels and Les distribution code)
    2015-06-25 10:20:06下载
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