

于 2017-06-30 发布 文件大小:216KB
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  math900截屏源码程序,结合易语言扩展界面支持库,实现双击截屏。可以设置图像的颜色、透明参数。(math900 screenshots source program, combined with easy language support library expansion interface , to achieve double-click screen capture .)



0 个回复

  • ewg
    E语言写的简易外挂收费系统,扩展性好,自己可以增加和修改新功能,带模块(E language to write simple plug-in charging system with modules)
    2013-10-19 22:41:29下载
  • 26595
    千里马网络配置易语言源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库和应用接口支持库,实现局域网IP地址的自动配置。(Maxima network configuration easy language source code , the program combined with easy language support library expansion interface and application interface support library automatically configure the LAN IP address .)
    2017-11-21 14:48:25下载
  • jindutiao
    更改进度条颜色,可以学习学习...互相学习(Change the color of the progress bar, you can learn from ... learn from each other)
    2013-03-19 18:30:54下载
  • 037886
    网络数据采集分析源码,程序结合易语言第三方支持库网页浏览框及其它支持库、模块,读取采集网络数据进行分析。(Network data acquisition and analysis source, easy language program combined with third-party support library browser frame and other support libraries , modules, read the analysis of the data collection network .)
    2017-12-28 12:01:41下载
  • 15047
    易语言封包发送模块源码,程序调用API函数实现封包发送功能。(Easy language source packet transmit module , the program calls API functions for sending packets .)
    2015-08-13 11:20:25下载
  • 627603
    锁定解锁应用程序源码例程程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库和操作系统界面功能支持库,调用API函数实现锁定解锁应用程序到WIN7任务栏。(Lock and unlock application source code routines of the program combined with easy language support library expansion interface and operating system support library interface functions , call the API functions to lock and unlock the application WIN7 taskbar.)
    2018-01-04 13:57:27下载
  • get
    易语言GetScrollPos取高级表格取鼠标处行列号源码例程程序结合易语言高级表格支持库,调用API函数获取鼠标处行列号。 (Easy language GetScrollPos to take the advanced form to take the mouse at the ranks of the source routine procedures combined with easy language advanced form support library, call the API function to get the mouse. )
    2017-02-23 17:21:05下载
  • 14723
    调用API函数在屏幕上画出窗口区域,并在窗口上设置背景、字体、样式等属性,使用多线程进出许可证的方式创建多个窗口区域,在屏幕上从上到下移动。(Call the API function draw window area on the screen , and set the background in the window , font, style and other properties , the use of multi-threading in and out of the license area create multiple windows , move across the screen from top to bottom .)
    2017-11-29 20:43:31下载
  • 031407
    取共享会话详细信息源码,例程程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,调用API函数取共享会话详细信息。(Take share session details the source, routine program combining easy language support library expansion interface , API function calls take share session details.)
    2016-10-11 10:18:46下载
  • 8626
    摄像头移动物体感知源码,程序结合易语言数码设备支持库和位图操作支持库,实现图像的对比判断物体图像的移动。(Camera moving objects perceived source , easy language program combined with digital equipment support library and bitmap operations support library that implements the judgment of the moving object image contrast of the image.)
    2018-05-03 10:34:15下载
  • 696524资源总数
  • 103791会员总数
  • 67今日下载