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于 2016-02-03 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  Delphi dtabase beginer simple query by sql



0 个回复

  • 6
    说明:  Delphi附加数据库并保存连接参数信息,编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Delphi additional database connection parameters and save the information, learn programming source code, a good reference.)
    2014-01-25 20:24:46下载
  • SetComm
    delphi下的comm串口通讯,一种很实用的方式,读卡器或其他通讯常 常 用到(comm use delphi procedure ,include ReadComm procedure,OpenCOmm Function,comminitialize procedure,MsgcommProcess procedure)
    2020-06-18 04:20:02下载
  • tzgl
    自己新学上手的一个公司科技图书资料管理系统(Learn to use their new technology, a company library management system)
    2013-06-14 17:57:53下载
  • Delphi_424638
    Delphi:Delphi环境下基于idtcpserver断开与连接客户端,当客户端主动与服务端断开时,idtcpserver事件Disconnect能够接到消息,当客户端主动与服务端连接时,idtcpserver事件Connect能够接到消息。但是存在问题:当服务端断开客户端连接数,IdTCPClient事件Disconnected接不到到消息,只有客户端主动与服务端断开时IdTCPClient事件Disconnected才接到消息,烦请高人们支招。   实例中还涉及到idtcpserver最大连接数在程序中如何控制的解决方法。 (Delphi: Delphi environment based idtcpserver disconnect the client when the client is disconnected from the server-side initiative, idtcpserver event Disconnect able to receive the message, when the client and server to connect initiative, idtcpserver Connect event messages can be received . But there is a problem: When the server is disconnected client connections, IdTCPClient event Disconnected not receive the message, only the client and server is disconnected when the initiative IdTCPClient event Disconnected before receiving the news, I beg you high people Weapon. Example also involves solutions idtcpserver maximum number of connections in the program how to control.)
    2014-07-02 23:38:52下载
  • Scripter.Studio.4.6.1
    TMS.Scripter.Studio.4.6.1.for.Delphi.5-XE.BCB.全部源码。本人只上传源码,杜绝dcu(TMS.Scripter.Studio.4.6.1.for.Delphi.5-XE.BCB.Full.Source Suite of components to add scripting capabilities to your applications, including Pascal & Basic scripting engines, Pascal & Basic syntax highlighting memo and script debug tools. )
    2020-12-14 15:29:15下载
  • Heat-Exchanger-inspection
    heat exchanger inspect
    2011-05-13 07:45:41下载
  • The-course-of-Delphi.7use
    全书共14章,全面讲解了Delphi程序设计语言的各个部分,特别加强了对数组、过 程与函数、界面设计、文件、多媒体、数据库等程序设计的重点、难点和具有较高实用价值 的内容的引导和剖析。(The book is 14 chapters, a comprehensive account of the various Delphi programming language, in particular in strengthening the array, processes and functions, interface design, documents, multimedia, database and other procedures designed to focus, difficulty and has high practical value content guidance and analysis.)
    2013-07-21 23:56:21下载
  • exam18_Parallel_test
    用delphi编写的计算机并口测试程序,希望对用的着的朋友有帮助。(delphi parallel port)
    2009-06-16 21:58:44下载
  • AISDecode
    AIS数据解析,c#,c++,Java解析AIS数据动态库(AIS data analysisC#,c++,Java parsing AIS data dynamic library)
    2021-03-15 17:09:23下载
  • EhLib_v4.1.4(好用)
    说明:  delphi7下好用的DBGRIDEH控件(The enlib4.1 Library contains components and classes for Borland Delphi7)
    2020-07-13 14:48:52下载
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  • 90今日下载