首页 » Visual Basic » mysql-connector-net-6.0.4


于 2019-01-04 发布 文件大小:3430KB
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  technical support to achieve the highest levels of MySQL scalability



0 个回复

  • vb-access
    visual basic和access 数据库开发实例 (vb access database)
    2011-12-06 23:23:11下载
  • 2009423152156849795
    2010-12-03 22:16:15下载
  • produce
    access vba 公司自己用的生产管理(access vba)
    2012-01-05 09:37:18下载
  • fuzhuangguanli
    本软件系本人自学VB过程中试写,后来经不断改进完成,经试用比较完整,又修补了一些漏洞,可以放心投入使用,并供学习编程爱好者参考. 本软件简单易用,操作方便,基本可以不用鼠标,直接通过键盘操作. ACCESS数据库+sql语句+VB6.0 数据库采用MD5加密 测试系统:WINDOWSXP(This software grades the course of my self-VB try to write, and later by the completion of continuous improvement, the more complete the trial, but also fixes some vulnerabilities, you can rest assured that put into use, and for enthusiasts to learn programming reference. This software is simple and easy to operate , the basic can be a mouse, directly through the keyboard. ACCESS database+ sql statement+ VB6.0 database using MD5 encryption test system: WINDOWSXP)
    2008-07-10 19:27:38下载
  • cvery_278800
    VB做的管理系统 使用前先注册一下SmartMenuXP.dll,SmartMenuXP.ocx,SmartSubClass.dll,SmartViewport.ocx这4个组件(very good it is my zuo ye you can see them . my frend tell me it is cool.it is my zuo ye very good it is my zuo ye you can see them . my frend tell )
    2009-05-22 19:58:05下载
  • asptools
    用于程序人员存放自己的各种代码的工具 1支持数据库备份和导入 2支持程序升级 3资料修改维护方便(For program staff kept their own tools for a variety of code to support one database backup and import 2 support escalation procedures to facilitate the maintenance of 3 data modification)
    2007-11-05 08:20:24下载
  • datain
    使用SQL期刊杂志数据更新,通过相关的链接实现之。(The use of SQL data updated journals, through the realization of related links.)
    2008-05-07 15:41:40下载
    VisualBasic实现EXCEL数据的批量导入,(EXCEL data batch import to mdb based on VB)
    2012-05-07 21:40:29下载
  • tuishuiguanli
    VB编写的退税管理系统,可做毕业设计参考,很适用!(VB prepared the tax rebate management system, can be graduated from the reference design, it is applicable!)
    2008-12-29 16:20:26下载
  • kaoshixitong
    一个四、六级考试成绩查询系统,该系统的用户由一般用户和管理员组成,然后不同的用户拥有不同的权限,各自完成各自的管理功能。首先是欢迎界面,然后选择登录,登录的时候首先要判断用户的身份,合法的用户然后进入到系统主界面中,不同的用户看到不同的系统功能。用sql server2000创建后台数据库,然后利用程序设计语言(VB)编写程序实现对数据库的操作。(A CET score query system, users of the system composed by the general user and administrator, and different users have different permissions, each of their respective management functions. First is the Welcome screen, then select the log, log to determine when the first user' s identity, legitimate user and then enter the main interface to the system, different users see different system functions. Background database created with sql server2000, and then use programming languages (VB) programming to achieve operation of the database.)
    2010-05-13 14:33:06下载
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