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于 2019-01-07 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  近年来,逆散射已经成为非常热门的话题,在这里我提交一个music算法的matlab例程,供大家参考。(In recent years, inverse scattering has become a very hot topic. Here I submit a matlab routine of music algorithm for your reference.)



0 个回复

  • naive-bayesian-classifier
    naive bayesian classifier in matlab
    2011-02-09 19:50:05下载
  • chapter19
    matlab软件中有关elman神经网络预测的程序(matlab software procedures elman neural network prediction)
    2013-12-10 09:42:57下载
    放大转发中继通信,理论误码率,蒙特卡洛误码率,直传误码率仿真,信道容量,中断概率,功率分配仿真(Enlarge forwarding relay communication, error rate theory, Monte Carlo error rate, BER simulation forward pass, channel capacity, outage probability, power distribution simulation)
    2021-02-10 21:39:52下载
  • NonlinerUtroGUI
    计算任意时域信号的非线性超声系数GUI,原创程序,学习GUI和非线性超声的一个参考例程,欢迎指教(Nonlinear ultrasonic coefficient GUI, any original program to calculate the time-domain signal, and nonlinear ultrasound study GUI a reference routines, welcome to enlighten)
    2014-01-05 09:48:07下载
  • noises
    create different noise patterns and then use different filtering methods on them.
    2009-09-14 04:08:47下载
  • white-noise-and-coloured-noise
    白噪声和有色噪声的生成方法,参数可以由用户自己设定(White noise and colored noise generation method, the parameters can be set by the user)
    2013-02-20 21:16:34下载
  • dispatch
    Finally, probability analysis, based on the chosen database, is performed and judgment whether the person is recognized is pronounced. Two different modeling techniques can be suggested for purposes of person identification or verification. The approach based on Hidden Markov Speaker Models (HMMs) with the mixtures of Gaussian distribution is text-dependent one. For this technology a speaker is described by a set of HMMs, constructing the set of speech groups spoken by that person. The speech groups may be phonemes or words [7]. The text-independent technology is rested upon Gaussian Mixture Speaker Models. For this technology each speaker is defined by only one model describing all utterances of that person. Identification in the range of both approaches is executed by evaluation of maximum a posteriori probability [7].
    2013-12-14 14:24:24下载
  • gingbun_v55
    包括 MUSIC算法,ESPRIT算法 ROOT-MUSIC算法,进行逐步线性回归,从先验概率中采样,计算权重。( Including the MUSIC algorithm, ESPRIT algorithm ROOT-MUSIC algorithm, Stepwise linear regression, Sampling a priori probability, calculate the weight.)
    2016-05-09 11:42:53下载
  • ParticleFilter
    说明:  此粒子滤波程序采用重采样算法,用于二维平面目标跟踪(This procedure uses resampling particle filter algorithms for two-dimensional plane tracking)
    2010-03-31 11:39:08下载
  • arrays
    this is array indexing code
    2014-11-27 17:21:27下载
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