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  C#屏幕取词实例,屏幕取词源码-适合二次开发(screen source code examples)


C#屏幕取词实例\qc\bin\Debug\Interop.XDICTGRB.dll, 7680 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\bin\Debug\qc.exe, 8192 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\bin\Debug\qc.pdb, 28160 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\bin\Debug\qc.vshost.exe, 14328 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\bin\Debug\qc.vshost.exe.manifest, 490 , 2007-07-21
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\Form1.cs, 1219 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\Form1.Designer.cs, 2072 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\Form1.resx, 5814 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\obj\Debug\Interop.XDICTGRB.dll, 7680 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\obj\Debug\qc.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt, 1810 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\obj\Debug\qc.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache, 847 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\obj\Debug\qc.csproj.ResolveComReference.cache, 586 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\obj\Debug\qc.exe, 8192 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\obj\Debug\qc.Form1.resources, 180 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\obj\Debug\qc.pdb, 28160 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\obj\Debug\qc.Properties.Resources.resources, 180 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\obj\Debug\ResolveAssemblyReference.cache, 2553 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\Program.cs, 483 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs, 1336 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs, 2854 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\Properties\Resources.resx, 5612 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs, 1087 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\Properties\Settings.settings, 249 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\qc.csproj, 4038 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc.sln, 896 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc.suo, 14848 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\XdictGrb.dll, 122880 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\obj\Debug\TempPE, 0 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\bin\Debug, 0 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\obj\Debug, 0 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\bin, 0 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\obj, 0 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc\Properties, 0 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例\qc, 0 , 2010-08-14
C#屏幕取词实例, 0 , 2010-08-14



0 个回复

  • asd
    钩子的应用程序,读取键盘和鼠标的状态,并且显示出来。(zi dong fan yi bu guan yong )
    2014-07-07 15:42:42下载
  • CaptureColor
    钩子程序,非常适合初学者,个人感觉还是相当不错的(so good,you can learn many things form it)
    2010-01-12 10:21:04下载
  • Disable-key-combination
    本示例程序演示了如何在子窗体中禁止切换组合键和关闭组合键功能。(This sample program demonstrates how to disable the subform combination of keys on and off switching function key combinations.)
    2013-07-17 22:24:36下载
  • 魔兽争霸3 dota 全图maphack源码
    魔兽争霸3 dota 全图maphack源码,源码中的HOOK地址为1.24E版本,对于想自己开研究开发maphack的同学是不可多得的好资料。(Warcraft 3 dota maphack source, source the HOOK address is 1.24E version rare good students who want to open their own research and development maphack.)
    2012-09-27 18:06:33下载
  • pb_keyhook
    一个在pb下调用键盘钩子的具体例子,可以直接使用(Pb call of a specific example of a keyboard hook, you can directly use)
    2020-12-01 17:29:26下载
  • quickey
    魔兽外挂,使用SetWindowsHookEx监控Windows全局鼠标事件,全局监控键盘事件, 代码例子(External source of warcraft)
    2015-04-03 17:04:45下载
  • api_message
    api 的 代码值 大家想看的可以查阅一下(api code value of the U.S. want to see what can be found)
    2007-09-19 11:44:53下载
  • Mouse_Alar
    这个计划听起来一个警报当用户试图移动鼠标。伟大的史努比同事和大鼻子的家庭成员。闹钟可以解除武装,只要按F8键同时转移。(This plan sounds an alert when the user tries to move the mouse. Family members, the great Snoopy colleagues and the big nose. The alarm can be disarmed, press the F8 key at the same time transfer.)
    2013-05-14 09:29:19下载
  • Windows-Rootkits
    Rootkits技术在信息安全领域越来越受到重视,各种Anti-rootkits新技术不断出现。在各种Anti-root- kits工具的围剿下,常规的Rootkits隐藏技术难以遁形。在系统分析和深入研究传统内核级Rootkits隐藏技术的基 础上,提出了一个集驱动模块整体移位、内核线程注入、IRP深度内联Hook 3种技术为一体的Rootkits隐藏技术体 系。(Rootkits technology in the field of information security more and more attention, all kinds of Anti-rootkits new technologies continue to emerge. In a variety of Anti-root-kits Tools of the siege, the conventional Rootkits hide the technology is difficult to hide. In traditional systems analysis and in-depth study of kernel-level Rootkits hiding technique is proposed based on a set of drive module as a whole shift, into the kernel thread, IRP depth inline Hook 3 kinds of technology as one of the Rootkits hide the technical system.)
    2011-11-17 15:16:28下载
  • KerHookDetect
    可以实现内核钩子的检测,分为应用层和驱动层,带源码(Can detect the kernel hooks, into the application layer and the driver layer, with source code)
    2015-03-04 16:18:20下载
  • 696524资源总数
  • 103791会员总数
  • 67今日下载