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于 2016-02-20 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  该代码完成了LM算法,并附有详细的代码说明。(The code completion LM algorithm, along with a detailed code instructions.)





0 个回复

  • aboat-shuzhi-fenxi
    数值分析计算课程的部分习题答案,有matlab编程,希望对大家有用。(some small matlab codes .)
    2012-08-17 22:28:01下载
  • Adaptive-mesh-generation
    自适应网格生成的文章,广泛的应用到有限元和无网格方法中(a nice paper of adaptive mesh generation)
    2013-09-21 15:44:49下载
  • hb888
    有较好的参考价值,外文资料里面的源代码,基于小波变换的数字水印算法matlab代码。( There are good reference value, Foreign materials inside the source code, Based on wavelet transform digital watermarking algorithm matlab code.)
    2017-04-12 18:09:25下载
  • 大多相流程序
    说明:  西交大多相流程序。本程序由西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院 CFD-NHT-EHT 研究中心孙东亮博士开发。本程序的任何部分不得发表。本程序未经作者同意不得用于商业用途。您可以使用该程序或进一步发展该程序。发表任何在该程序基础上开展的工作请引用相关文献(文献在程序包内一并给出)(Most of the phase flow procedures in the West Cross. This procedure was developed by Dr. Sun Dongliang, cfd-nht-eht Research Center, School of energy and power engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University. No part of this procedure may be published. This procedure shall not be used for commercial purposes without the consent of the author. You can use the program or further develop it. Publish any work carried out on the basis of the program, please refer to relevant literature (literature is given in the package))
    2020-06-17 21:57:16下载
  • Code
    学习fortran的必备,simple算法,拥有完整注释,便于学习交流,是快速学习数值传热学的利器(Learning fortran essential, simple algorithm, with complete notes, facilitate learning exchanges)
    2014-11-10 21:21:02下载
  • AnalyticAnelastic
    二维粘弹性介质中波的传播的解析形式。应用Carcione等在1988年发表的《WAVE PROPAGATION SIMULATION IN A LINEAR VISCOELASTIC MEDIUM》一文中的方法,更加详细的介绍见英文描述。该代码对于做波场模拟的同学有很好的参考价值。( MATLABScript for obtaning the analytical solution for 2D wave propagation in a viscoelastic medium, based on the Appendix B of paper of Carcione et al. (1988)(1), corrected in (2). The source used is a Ricker wavelet in the y velocity component. A figure of the source temporal function and its inverse Fourier transform are provided to verify the good working of the method. Also works for elastic variables by substituting the values of vp and vs by real constant ones (vp_0 & vs_0). Attenuation is implemented by GMB-EK rheology presented in (4) and thoroughfully explained in (3). In order to make a proper comparison with numerical data it is recommended to either use the same rheology in both the numerical and the analytical. It is also possible to get an almost constant Q value by increasing a lot the number of mechanisms used in both the numerical and the analytical solutions, thus minimizing the effects of the Q fitting in the comparison.)
    2012-04-23 13:18:07下载
  • FFT_Original
    FFT/IFFT 变换程序----------------(FFT/IFFT transformation process----------------)
    2010-07-14 19:48:13下载
    矩量法实例 计算细导线的雷达散射截面,PPT资料(Instance of the method of moments to calculate the radar cross section of thin wire)
    2021-04-04 21:29:04下载
  • The-art-of-programming
    超级好用的书,面试必备,包括常用的算法介绍,面试题目等等(Super easy to book, interview essential, including the commonly used algorithm is introduced, interview questions, etc.)
    2012-07-25 10:36:13下载
  • twodimension
    此程序是用多重散射理论计算二维声子晶体的结构的Fortran代码。(This program is multi-dimensional phonon scattering calculated crystal structure Fortran code.)
    2020-07-13 09:48:52下载
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