

于 2017-03-10 发布 文件大小:334KB
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  检测硬盘健康状态源码,程序结合易语言特殊功能支持库,实现了通过控制台显示硬盘健康状态的功能。(Test drive health state source , easy language program combined with special features to support libraries, which achieved through the console displays the health status of hard disk capabilities .)



0 个回复

  • 522685
    刷网页流量工具源码程序,例程结合易语言模块彗星HTTP应用模块.ec,调用API函数实现网页访问。(Brush tool web traffic source programs, routines combined with easy language module Comet HTTP application module .ec, call the API functions Web access .)
    2016-04-05 14:24:08下载
  • 14714
    网络注册登录源码程序,结合易语言扩展界面支持库和互联网支持库,实现网络登录的注册码验证。代码清晰易懂,功能完美,账号安全,同一个用户不可重复登录。(Network Sign source program, combined with easy language support library expansion interface and Internet support library that implements the registration code verification network login. )
    2017-04-06 09:43:49下载
  • 438630
    画贝赛尔曲线源码,随机取点的坐标或取鼠标在画板上点的坐标画贝赛尔曲线。(Bezier curve drawing source , coordinate randomly selected point coordinates or take the mouse on a point of drawing Bezier drawing board .)
    2018-03-06 20:57:18下载
  • 256554
    设置浏览器控件代理源码程序,结合易语言第三方支持库WBE浏览器2.0版,调用API函数InternetSetOptionA实现设置WBE浏览器的代理服务信息。(Set browser control agent source program, combined with easy language support library WBE third-party browser version 2.0 , call the API function InternetSetOptionA achieve set WBE browser proxy service information.)
    2017-04-05 22:38:56下载
  • 024588
    取冰芒果启动盘制作源码程序,结合易语言扩展界面支持库,调用API函数和易语言DUI模块实现制作启动U盘功能。 (Take mango ice source boot disk creation program , combined with easy language support library expansion interface , API function calls and easy language DUI module production start U disk function .)
    2016-06-05 15:31:51下载
  • 5158521
    无驱动进入ring0源码,程序调用API函数实现无驱动进入ring0权限。(No driven into ring0 source , the program calls API functions without driven into ring0 permission.)
    2018-03-05 10:17:45下载
  • 0859
    代码抓图工具源码程序,结合易语言位图操作支持库,调用API函数获取易语言源程序中各窗口的句柄,再取窗口中的场景抓图。(The code capture tool source program, combined with easy language support library bitmap operations , call the API function to get a handle easy language source code in each window , and then take the window scenes shots .)
    2016-04-22 12:43:52下载
  • 104136
    窗口渐隐渐现效果源码,程序结合易语言应用接口支持库和易语言模块png窗口外形.ec,实现窗口渐隐渐现效果。(Window fade fade effect source , combined with easy language application program interface support library window appearance and ease of language modules png .ec, window fade-in effect achieve fade .)
    2016-12-23 13:17:05下载
  • shengchengjiandanshengyin
    这个是易语言源码,首先声明不懂易语言的不要下,毒软误报的问题不再解释,源码内容:生成简单声音(This is the easy language code, the first statement easy to understand language not under-virus software is no longer explain the problem of false positives, Source Content: generate a simple sound)
    2011-11-28 18:30:43下载
  • 1
    易语言Socket模式网关源码例程程序结合易语言第三方支持库TCP/UDP网络通信支持库,实现系统网关的设置。 本易语言例程还使用到易语言多线程支持库,易语言应用接口支持库,易语言模块封包加解密.ec。(Easy language Socket mode gateway source code routines combined with easy language third party support library TCP/UDP network communication support library, to achieve system gateway settings. This easy language routine is also used in the easy language multithreading support library, easy language application interface support library, easy language module package encryption and decryption.Ec.)
    2018-06-14 09:57:38下载
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