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于 2016-02-29 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  使用混沌与分形分析的例程,包括面积、周长、矩形度、伸长度,主要为数据分析和统计,PLS部分最小二乘工具箱,matlab程序运行时导入数据文件作为输入参数,针对EMD方法的不足。( Use Chaos and fractal analysis routines, Including the area, perimeter, rectangular, elongation, Mainly for data analysis and statistics, PLS PLS toolbox, Import data files as input parameters matlab program is running, For lack of EMD.)



0 个回复

  • fcm
    FCM算法的matlab实现,经典的FCM算法,使用IRIS数据(FCM algorithm matlab realize, classic FCM algorithm, the use of IRIS data)
    2020-06-29 08:40:01下载
  • linear_interpolation1
    linear interpolation a source code for Matlab software about math
    2013-01-11 09:12:01下载
  • PCM_Testing
    Do you like conveter a sound signal at matlab codification??
    2012-05-25 08:35:07下载
  • dmc
    DMC控制 当系统的参数知道很少时可以利用这种方法进行运算 从而很好的控制(DMC control parameters when the system knows very little use of this method can well control operations to)
    2011-09-19 16:54:14下载
  • MatlabTutorial
    some tutorials and books of matlab
    2013-12-22 02:46:23下载
  • Romberg
    计算方法程序,龙贝格算法的matlab程序,精简明了,注释全面,自己的计算方法作业,很认真的编写的(Calculation program, Romberg algorithm matlab program, streamlining and clear, comprehensive notes, his method of operation of calculation, it is prepared carefully)
    2010-05-23 10:35:51下载
  • degrading
    这种去退化的matlab源代码,学生需要可以下载使用(This to the degradation of the matlab source code, students can download to use )
    2014-11-29 11:10:23下载
  • math
    数学建模教案 排队论 图论 线性规划 整数规划 混合规划(Mathematical modeling of graph theory, queuing theory lesson plans linear programming mixed integer programming planning)
    2013-08-07 20:57:20下载
  • MATLAB-PID-chengxu
    使用说明 1、所有仿真算法按章归类,光盘中的程序名与书中一一对应。 2、将光盘中的仿真程序复制到硬盘MATLAB运行的路径中,便可仿真运行。 3、本书算法在MATLAB 5.3版下运行成功,并适用于其他版本。 4、程序chap1_11.mdl;chap3_2.mdl;chap3_5.mdl;chap6_2.mdl;chap6_4.mdl需要在Matlab6.5下运行,特此说明。 5、假如您对仿真程序有疑问,请及时通过 E-mail 与作者联系。 北京航空航天大学 刘金琨 E-mail 地址: ljk@dept3.buaa.edu.cn或ljk@buaa.edu.cn(Instructions for use, all the simulation algorithms classified by chapter, program name in the CD-ROM and book one-to-one correspondence. 2, the simulation program in the CD-ROM copied to the hard MATLAB running path simulation can be run. Book algorithms in MATLAB 5.3 running successfully, and applies to other versions. 4, the program chap1_11.mdl chap3_2.mdl chap3_5.mdl chap6_2.mdl chap6_4.mdl in Matlab6.5 run is noted. 5, if your simulation program have any questions, please timely contact the author via E-mail. Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Liu Jinkun E-mail address: ljk@dept3.buaa.edu.cn or ljk@buaa.edu.cn)
    2012-06-25 14:10:02下载
  • ga_main
    matlab遗传算法matlab遗传算法matlab遗传算法matlab遗传算法(matlab genetic algorithmmatlab genetic algorithmmatlab genetic algorithmmatlab genetic algorithm)
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