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于 2017-03-18 发布 文件大小:227KB
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  继承自 TCustomPanel ,是专门显示 Delphi 源码的可视构件,能够将 Object Pascal 关键字以不同色彩显示,标上列号并可以打印(A control which can show delphi source file code ,marking key words by color font.)



0 个回复

  • Calculator_project
    Delphi7实现的计算器,支持表达式计算和Windows XP计算器标准计算两种方式(A calculator implemented in Delphi7, expression calculation as well as Windows XP standard calculation are supported.)
    2012-09-12 20:26:22下载
  • Image-segmentation
    利用delphi对图像进行分割,实现图像的二值化(Image segmentation with Delphi)
    2013-03-11 10:46:28下载
  • dtdelphi26
    Delphi Help component file.
    2011-08-03 05:18:58下载
  • TTS语音编程 5.1
    Microsoft Speech SDK5.1语音编程,用于设计语音程序设计.(Microsoft Speech SDK5.1 voice programming for the design of voice programming.)
    2005-04-14 11:24:56下载
  • exam18_Parallel_test
    用delphi编写的计算机并口测试程序,希望对用的着的朋友有帮助。(delphi parallel port)
    2009-06-16 21:58:44下载
  • PPTP Dialler simple
    Source code delphi 7 Dialler PPTP connection
    2017-07-24 14:49:20下载
  • iphonedemoicon11
    引入pngimage第三方控件,可以支持 PNG 格式的图标、效果更好。 pngimage 很有意思,Delphi版包括4个pas文件(具体哪个是关键没有仔细研究), 只要 uses pngimage 就可用 Image 来载入PNG格式的图片,很神奇,佩服作者。 增加缓冲功能 DoubleBuf,减少闪烁。 添加 Align 属性的继承,编译成控件时便于摆放。 增加控制标题文本区显示控制的属性设置 ShowCaption。 添加载入背景方法 loadBackPic。 加强整个界面拖动的效果。(Introduction pngimage third-party controls, you can support the PNG format icons, better. pngimage very interesting, Delphi Edition includes four pas file (which is the key not specifically studied), Image can be used as long as the uses pngimage to load PNG format images, it is amazing, admire the author. Increase the buffering function DoubleBuf, to reduce flicker. Add Align property inheritance, controls easy to compile into place. Increased control of the title attribute text area display control settings ShowCaption. Add background loading method loadBackPic. Enhance the effect of dragging the entire interface.)
    2012-01-06 10:11:39下载
  • SPComm
    spcomm 串口空间,修改了在com大于9时报错的问题。(spcomm com)
    2012-09-26 17:49:04下载
  • shap
    2007-10-06 12:21:11下载
  • Delphi_485678
    Delphi:Delphi修改INI文件的内容,Delphi源码下载,通过一个窗体表单程序,对MyInfo.INI文件的各个节点值进行修改,INI文件在软件开发中常用作配置文件或数据存储文件,学会在Delphi中操作INI文件,是非常有必要的一个技巧。本示例程序用到了Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,Dialogs,INIFiles, StdCtrls, XPMan (Delphi: Delphi modify the contents of the INI file, Delphi source code download, through a form spreadsheet program, for each node value MyInfo.INI modify files, INI files in software development is often used as a configuration file or data storage files, learn Delphi INI file in the operation, it is very necessary for a skill. This sample program uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, INIFiles, StdCtrls, XPMan )
    2014-07-01 01:04:58下载
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