

于 2016-03-06 发布 文件大小:498KB
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  PCB绘图软件易语言源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,调用API函数实现PCB绘图编辑。(PCB drawing software easy language source code , the program expanded interface combined with easy language support library , call the API function PCB drawing editor .)



0 个回复

  • Multisim 12.0 系统元件库
    multisim的元器件库 ,主要是电子管元件库,大概有一百多种电子管,基本上所需用的电子管都包含了。(Multisim component library, mainly electronic components library, there are more than one hundred kinds of electronic tubes, basically the required electronic tubes are included.)
    2017-06-30 16:15:40下载
  • 503242
    取文件图标转存ICO源码,程序调用API函数,根据ICO图标的格式,将文件中的图标转存为ICO图标。(Take dump ICO source file icon , the program calls API functions , according to the ICO icon format , the file icon to deposit as ICO icon.)
    2016-08-10 15:39:35下载
  • kcsj
    前言..........................................................................2 课题一 8路抢答器电路设计........................................2 课题二 数字电子钟设计.............................................5 课题三 交通信号灯控制逻辑电路设计.............................12 课题四 汽车尾灯控制电路..........................................17 课题五 篮球竞赛 30s 计时器........................................21 第 1(Introduction ................................................. ......................... 2 Subject of a circuit design of 8 Responder ........................................ 2 Second, the design of digital electronic clock issues ............................................ .5 Issue three traffic signal control logic circuit design ............................. 12 Four car taillight issue control circuit .......................................... 17 Issue 5 Basketball 30s timer ........................................ 21 1)
    2010-08-24 20:58:59下载
  • 616343
    取N卡温度源码例程,程序结合易语言系统核心支持库,通过调用dll文件得到N卡当前温度的功能。(Take N card temperature source routines, programs combine core system easy language support library dll file obtained by calling the current function of the temperature N card .)
    2016-10-30 18:37:07下载
  • xiaoche
    智能遥控小车程序 单片机学习资料供初学者参考 (Intelligent remote control car program for beginners learning materials reference MCU)
    2010-11-22 12:46:18下载
  • 751727
    平滑滚动显示任意长文本源码,例程程序演示了使用画板实现平滑文字滚屏效果。(Smooth scrolling display any long text source , routine program demonstrates the use of Sketchpad smooth text scrolling effects.)
    2016-10-26 08:48:43下载
  • HUMAINE_Database-(1)
    data base of humain reaction
    2013-12-12 23:17:35下载
  • ev1527
    ev1527解码方式非常好用,请大家参考一下,给个意见(ev1527 decoding is very easy to use, please refer to different views)
    2011-09-16 16:36:34下载
  • IO
    说明:  用按键控制LED,KEY1按一次LED1亮,两次LED1、LED2亮,三次LED1、LED2、LED3亮,以此循环;过程中KEY2按下,点亮的灯熄灭。(With keypad control LED, KEY1 press LED1 lit twice LED1, LED2 lights, three LED1, LED2, LED3 light, this cycle process KEY2 Press, lit the lamp goes out.)
    2014-06-30 00:16:30下载
  • 09076
    PCB绘图软件易语言源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,调用API函数实现PCB绘图编辑。(PCB drawing software easy language source code, the program combines easy interface language extensions to support libraries , calling API functions PCB drawing editor .)
    2015-04-18 20:35:47下载
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